石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2127&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁90&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁317-318&*一高士站在松樹下,另一人雙手捧靈芝做承獻之狀。周圍有三侍者,一人手捧花瓶,內插白荷,一人持杖,另一人站高士後面,手抱古琴。人物造型賦以變形之處理,線條曲直,剛勁有力,接近版畫刀筆之趣。山水樹幹則用較疏放的線條,做為對比。樹葉呈針形放射狀及三角形,圖案重覆而平面化。變形的人物、古拙的樹石畫法,以及近似版畫的線條,都源自陳洪綬畫風的影響。&*A scholar stands under an ancient pine tree, another man holds ling-chih fungus in both hands as if to offer it to the scholar. Three attendants surround them; one holds a vase containing white lotuses, one grips a cane, and the third stands behind the scholar holding a Chinese zither. The awkward forms of the human figures were rendered using alternately straight and crooked lines, the power of these brushstrokes resembles the incisive lines of a print. The landscape elements, such as the trees, were painted using somewhat softer lines in order to create contrast. The leaves were represented as needle-like forms radiating in arcs or as triangles. The repeating forms are schematized and the picture surface seems flattened. The awkward figures, the methods used to paint the ancient pine tree, and the fact that the brushstrokes closely resemble the lines found in prints are all stylistic elements derived form the works of Ch'en Hung-shou (1599-1652).