盛京故宮書畫錄,第五冊,頁7&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁177&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁125-126&*戴進(西元一三八八-一四六二年),浙江錢塘人。字文進,號靜庵,又號玉泉山人。自幼習畫,曾入宮廷呈畫,以不得重用歸。畫風師南宋馬夏和元朝李郭派,而有己意,為明朝浙派倡始者。畫濱水石林,蒼松巨木成蔭,草房圍籬隱現其間,有客乘舟渡江到訪,驚起岸邊水鳥。全圖構局清新,秋意甚顯,雖意學馬、夏畫風,但筆墨和戴進不類。詩塘題詩則是時為皇子的乾隆,在雍正駕崩前一個多月所作。(20100104)&* Dai Jin was a native of Qiantang, Zhejiang. Painting since childhood, he entered the court as an artist, but did not find favor and so returned home. His style follows the Ma-Xia Southern Song court style and the Li-Guo one of the Yuan, but in his own manner; he is the founder of the Zhe school. This work depicts rocks and trees by the water with old pines and large trees forming shade that conceals a thatched house with a fence. On the river is a visitor approaching in a boat, startling the waterfowl. The pure, fresh composition has a strong air of autumn. Though in the Ma-Xia style, the brushwork differs from Dai Jin’s. The inscription above was by the Qianlong Emperor (r. 1736-1795) while still a prince, about a month before his father’s death in 1735.(20100104)