石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1580 &故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁198-199 &故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁97-98&黃公望(西元一二六九至一三五四年),字子久,又號大癡道人,晚號井西道人,浙江富陽人。畫山水遠師五代的董源,成就極高,是元四大家之首,對明清畫家有很大的影響。 山脈連綿不斷,蒼翠的草木漫山生長。山脈兩側,一面為溪水曲折穿流,一面烘染煙雲,不見山腳,頓覺滿紙千巖萬壑。按畫中年款,是七十三歲(西元一三四一年)時的作品。&Huang Kung-wang was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. His style-name was Tzu-chiu; his sobriquets were Idiotic Taoist and, in his later years, West-of-the-water-well Taoist. In his landscapes he emulated the Five Dynasties painter Tung Yüan. An exceedingly accomplished painter, he was one of the Four Masters of the Yüan Dynasty, and he greatly influenced Ming and Ch'ing Dynasty painters. Verdant, vegetation covers a mountain range. A winding stream threads its way down one side of the range, while on the other side, a bank of mist eclipses the base of the mountain: truly a scene filled with "a thousand peaks and ten thousand ravines." According to the date on the painting, this work was completed in 1341 when the artist was seventy-three years old.