秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁150&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁431&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁159-160&* 宋旭(一五二五-一六○五之後),浙江嘉興人。自號石門,出家為僧後,法名祖玄。又號天池髮僧、景西居士,善畫山水與人物。 本幅蒼松與雲岫隔岸相對,松下三位羅漢,臨濱或行或止;其一敞胸露肚,捧缽引鵲,眉目含笑,狀甚歡愉。造形自在無礙,與工筆重彩、正襟危坐的「說法圖」,意匠明顯有別。畫幅右上方宋旭自題「皆大歡喜」,即指此而言。 &* Sung Hsü, a native of Chekiang province, was a monk and he also excelled as a painter of landscapes and figures. This work, done in 1531, depicts lohans near the water’s edge resting under a pine tree. The tree reaches up to and is balanced by a mountain cliff and clouds behind. A lohan sits with his robe open and holds a bowl that attracts magpies, symbols of joy. He smiles and seems quite content. In the upper left, Sung inscribed the title. During the Ming and Ch’ing dynasties, Buddhist paintings of this type gradually increased. Depictions of carefree lohans with rhythmic brushwork and lively ink washes differ vastly from rigid and solemn Buddhist paintings done in color with fine brushwork.