故宮書畫錄﹝卷五﹞,第三冊,頁299&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁169-170&*商喜(活動於十五世紀中期),字惟吉,宣宗朝(一四二六-一四三五)授錦衣衛指揮,其畫多繼承南宋院畫傳統,以精工富麗取勝,曾擔任寺廟殿宇巨幅壁畫製作。 此圖繪花下貓犬相戲,貓立於藤墩上,其作法是先用藤條彎成圈,用藤篾將之連綴一起,再與上下墩面及底圈纏子紮成器。庭院有奇石,旁植茶花、竹,上有山雀成雙成對,為一典型明代院畫作品。 &* Shang Hsi served as a court painter under Emperor Hsüan-tsung. His landscapes, figures, flower-and-trees, and animals were often in the detailed and elegant Southern Sung (960-1279) court manner with delicate brushwork and colors. He also did large works for court temples and palaces. The title slip assigns this painting to Shang Hsi. In this garden scene, a small dog and cat play below blossoms. The cat sits on a fine stool in which wicker was bent into circular shapes that were then tied together along with the top and bottom to create the form. At the edge of the work are a decorative rock with camellia blossoms and bamboo, and above are birds that form pairs. This is a classic example of Ming court painting.