故宮書畫錄﹝卷五﹞,第三冊,頁293&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁89-90&*陸復(15-16世紀間),吳江(今江蘇蘇州)人,生卒年畫史無記載,字明本,因擅畫梅,而自號梅花莊主人。 梅花原產中國,植梅迄今已近四千年歷史。(註1)歷代以畫梅聞名者,亦不乏其人。早期如宋之揚補之(1097-1169)、馬遠(fl.1190-1225)、馬麟(fl.1195-1264),元之王冕(1287-1359)等,均有畫作傳世。 陸復「梅花」軸,著錄見清張大鏞《自怡悅齋書畫錄》。畫雪中紅梅,樹枝假「飛白法」畫成,並佐以淡墨烘染。花瓣用脂粉點漬,僅略施勾畫。紅蕊素幹,越發顯現梅花清雅脫俗的精神。(註2)此法係由元末王冕衍出,而稍加變化。 幅右方,自題曰:「大雪園林僵萬木,老梅瀟灑正開華。陸復。」並鈐「明本」、「梅花莊主人」二印。本幅雖未繫成作年份,但倘與今藏美國之「梅花」長卷(1505)相較(註3),「梅花」卷的用筆益為縱放,拖枝極長,而故宮「梅花」軸則顯得含蓄、凝練,應屬於陸氏稍早的制作。(劉芳如) 註1:參卓德元編著,《百物源》(湖南:湖南文藝出版社,1987),頁208。 註2:參國立故宮博物院編,《畫梅名品特展》(台北:國立故宮博物院,1991),頁94。 註3:圖見Maggie Bickfork, “Bones of Jade Soul of Ice: The Flowering Plum in Chinese Art”(New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery, 1985), pp. 94-97.&* 陸復,生卒年畫史無記載,吳江(今江蘇蘇州)人。字明本,自號梅花莊主人,擅長畫墨梅。 本幅畫雪梅一樹,畫法自元末王冕衍出,而稍加變化。樹枝用飛白法畫成,再用淡墨烘染襯托,花瓣用脂粉點漬,略加勾畫,紅蕊素幹,益顯梅花清雅脫俗的精神。 &*1.劉芳如,〈明陸復梅花〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《畫梅名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1991年元月初版),頁94。 &*Lu Fu (style name Ming-pen; sobriquet Master of the Plum Blossom Manor) was a native of Soochow, Kiangsu. Little is known about Lu Fu because of scanty accounts of him in traditional texts on painting, which only mention him as specializing in depicting plum blossoms in monochrome ink. This is a painting of a single plum tree in snow executed in a style derived with little change from that of the late Yüan dynasty master Wang Mien (1287-1359). To paint the branches of the tree, Lu Fu used the “flying white” technique of calligraphy, allowing the white ground to show through the dry brushwork. The background was tinted with a light wash to emphasize and accent the forms, and the petals were dotted with powdery white which was added to the outlines. The red stamens and plain trunk abundantly manifest the plum blossom’s spirit of the casual elegance.