秘殿珠林三編(乾清宮),頁73&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊 ,頁364&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁285-286&*觀音大士踩著青色蓮花,手持楊柳、水杯乘雲而來。祂頭上寶冠留下了立化佛的位置,卻沒有畫佛像,說明這件作品還沒有畫完。這件畫軸的色彩明淨秀雅,除了用細謹的線條鉤勒輪廓外,在臉、手和天衣上還以暈染的方式,表現立體效果。畫上雖然有仇英(約一四九四-一五五二)的款印,但這件畫軸筆描線條的穩定性、描寫的精細程度,都和仇英有相當的差距,應是一件後人冒用仇英名字的作品。&*Kuan-yin Attributed to Ch’iu Ying (ca. 1494-1552) Ming Dynasty With sashes fluttering in the breeze, Kuan-yin stands here on blue lotus blossoms resting on a trail of clouds and holds a willow branch and a water cup. The jeweled crown shows the place where a standing Buddha should be seen, indicating that this is an unfinished painting. In addition to the fine strokes for rendering the details and lines, elegant washes of colors were used for the face, hands, and clothing to complement the colorful jewelry and provide a sense of volume. Although the seal and signature of Ch’iu Ying appear along the left border, the quality of the lines and details differ considerably from that of Ch’iu Ying, indicating this to be a work of the Ming dynasty to which his name was added by a later person. &*1.李玉珉,〈(傳)明仇英觀世音菩薩〉,收入李玉珉主編,《觀音特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2000年初版),頁210。