故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁67&*石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第七冊,頁3070&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁313-314&*蔡肇字天啟,江蘇丹陽人。他是元豐二年(1079)的進士,詩文作得很好,也擅於畫山水、人物,特別愛畫枯槎老樹,珍異怪石。這一幅畫描繪兩座玲瓏多變的奇石,佇立在草地上。金與石本來象徵著永恆,因此在畫幅中,「石」與「壽」往往發生著聯想。&*Ts'ai Chao (style name T'ien-ch'i ) came from Tang-yang in Kiangsu. He received the chin-shih degree in 1079. A skilled poet and essayist, he was also an accomplished painter of landscapes and figures. His favorite subject were ancient trees with bare branches and strangely-shaped rocks. This painting represents two strange stones, almost like carved gems, standing on the ground. Metal and stone are traditional symbols of endurance and steadfastness, and rocks represented in paintings of ten carry the connotation of long life.