故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁71&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁255-256&*畫達摩「一葦渡江」故事。達摩(?-西元五三五年?)本名菩提多羅,據傳本為南印度香至王第三子,梁普通元年(西元五二○年)由海路來廣州。梁武帝便迎接他到建康(今南京)說法,然因梁武帝不能悟道,遂腳踏折蘆,渡長江至北魏。 畫中達摩腳踩一葉蘆葦,衣袍飛動,飛越江水。人物受明末吳彬誇張變形風格影響,神情誇大,極富趣味。用色鮮艷活潑。(20091016)&* This is a work of Bodhidharma “crossing the river on a reed.” Bodhidharma (?-535) was an Indian and the third son of the Kanchi king in southern India. In 520 during the Liang dynasty, he traveled by sea to Guangzhou. Emperor Wudi then invited him to Jiankang (modern Nanjing) to teach Buddhism, but the emperor was unable to grasp his learning, so Bodhidharma broke off a reed and stepped on it to cross the river to the Northern Wei state. This work shows him standing on a reed stalk, his robes fluttering in the wind as he crosses the river waters. The figure reveals the distorted style of forms practiced by the late Ming artist Wu Bin (1568-1627), showing his exaggerated expression and interesting manner. The coloring here is also bright and lively.(20091016)