祕殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁135&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁71&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁253-254&*寒山,唐貞觀時高僧,居天台寒巖,好吟詞偈,狀似瘋狂,後因避訪謁者,遁入石穴,而石自合。嘗與拾得友善,拾得亦為當時著名詩僧,其師豐干禪師行於赤城道側,聞兒啼,拾之,故名拾得。 本幅畫寒山握念珠,拾得持棕帚,臉部表情,如得禪悅,狀至可掬。用線屬釘頭鼠尾描,轉折剛正,且著墨凝重,眼珠兩側、指端、念珠皆填粉,風格頗類顏輝一系,惜無名款。&*Han-shan and Shih-te were poet-monks of the T'ang dynasty. Han-shan lived at Han-yen of T'ien-t'ai mountain, Chekiang province. He loved to compose poems and sometimes acted maniacally in the eyes of the ordinary. It was said that Han-shan hid himself in a stone cave to avoid those visitors who admired him, later the cave closed by itself and Han-shen was never seen any more. Shih-te was a close friend of Han-shan. He was picked up and raised by his teacher-master Feng-kan, therefore he was given the name--- Shih-te, meaning "Picked-up". In this painting, Han-shan carries a Buddhist rosary in hand and Shih-te holds a broom. They are both laughing as if overwhelmed with some joyous mystic trance. The brushwork is vigorous while the ink application is abundant. The style is similar to that of Yen Hui's tradition.