石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1644&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁234-235&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁119-120&*張中又名張守中,字子政,江蘇松江人。作品見於元至元二年至至正二十年間(西元一三三六至一三六0年)。學問淵博,並富才藝,畫山水師黃公望,亦善花鳥、墨戲。 本幅繪莎石間,一紫冠白雞足蹈蜈蚣,神情頗為生動,配景並有蜀葵、萱花、梔子、石榴、百合、虞美人、石竹、石菖蒲等各式夏卉,殆以鉤花點葉法成之,設色雅麗,然不似張中筆墨,為後代畫家托名之作。&*Chang Chung was a native of Sung-chiang in Kiangsu province. His other name was Chang Shou-chung and Tzu-cheng was his sobriquet. In landscape painting he took Huang Kung-wang as his model. He equally excelled in bird and flower as well as in ink play. A white cock with a purple cockscomb steps on a centipede. The high spirits of the cock is vividly captured. The background is filled with a great variety of summer flowers including yellow hollyhocks, a day-lily, the gardenia, the pomegranate, lilies and carnations and others. All the flowers are painted with "double outline method". Though the painting is filled with graceful coloration, the painting doesn't fit into Chang's style. We may presume that a later painter did this painting under the guise of Chang Chung's name.