石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁642 &故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁26 &故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁99-100&巨然(活動於西元十世紀後期),江寧(今南京)人。開元寺僧,擅寫江南景色,師法董源,亡國後,隨李後主至北宋汴京。因巨然曾接受北方畫壇的影響,故而一變董源橫向發展的「平遠」山水而為立軸形式的「高遠」山水,但是用以描繪山巒的「披麻皴」與山頂山石的「礬頭」,仍是董巨派的特徵。另外,畫中使用淡墨,用以捕捉一抹雲嵐的氛圍,讓人想起煙雨江南,則不改其南方山水畫派的本質。&Chü-jan, a native of Chiang-ning (modern Nanking), was a monk at the K'ai-yüan Temple who painted Kiangnan scenery. A student of Tung Yüan, after the fall of the Southern T'ang, he followed the vanquished Li Hou-chu to the Sung capital K'ai-feng. Since Chü-jan came under the influence of the northern landscape style, his horizontal "level-distance" manner of Tung Yüan was adapted to become a vertical "high distance" one. Yet he still retained the Tung style of "alum heads" for mountaintops and "hemp-fiber strokes" to texture the hills. He also continued to use light ink to capture the atmosphere of cloudy hills to suggest Kiangnan shrouded in mist and rain, thus retaining aspects of the southern landscape tradition.