石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2729&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁11&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁74-79&*葉肖巖(活動於西元一二五三—一二五八年),杭州人。作人物小景,頗類馬遠,寶祐間以畫著名,然其畫蹟世不多見。 西湖位於杭州市城西,四時風物清佳,以十景馳名於世。本幅即為「西湖十景圖」冊之一開,描繪花港觀魚的景色。寺宇掩映於柳林之間,湖中一人泛舟,悠遊自得。峭峰直下,不見其頂,構圖方式與馬遠山水同出一轍。用筆潔簡,著重烘染,清雅秀潤。&*Yeh Hsiao-yen was a native of Hangchow. He depicted figures and intimate scenes similar in style to that of Ma Yüan (fl. 1190-1224). Yeh became a well-known painter during the Pao-yu era (1253-1258), yet few of his works have survived to the present. West Lake is situated to the west of Hangchow and famous for ten views that remain beautiful throughout the year. This leaf is one of the “Ten Views of West Lake” album and describes a scene of viewing fishes in the Bay of Blossoms. The shadowy roof of a temple appears between the willow trees. A person is boating on the lake in a leisurely and relaxed manner. A precipitous peak, the top of which is not seen, rises sharply. The compositional technique is similar to that of Ma Yüan's landscapes. The brushwork is simple and pure, emphasizing pure elegance and beauty as the most important points.