故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁13-14&故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁49-50&趙喦(西元十世紀上半葉),梁太祖之駙馬,擅畫人物鞍馬。本幅畫八名貴族男士,騎駿馬出遊,園中草木呈新綠之色,馬匹踏著輕步,表現出春遊的愉悅氣氛。 本畫人馬、樹石筆調之精緻細膩,超過唐與五代之作,似北宋人的風貌,但它又保存了部分唐畫之意,如主題放置於畫面中央,前、中、遠景採取層層而上的方式,來代表深度空間。此外,背景庭園中之巨型太湖石也是出現在古畫中極早之例。 &Chao Yen, son-in-law of the Liang emperor T'ai-tsu, specialized in painting figures and horses. Shown here are eight nobles on steeds. The garden grass appears fresh and green as the horses gallop lightly, suggesting a carefree spring outing. The brushwork here is even more delicate and refined than that of the T'ang or Five Dynasties. It is closer to that of the Northern Sung (960-1126), yet it also preserves elements of the T'ang style, including the subject appearing in the middle of the composition and the separation of fore-, middle-, and backgrounds into sections to suggest space. Furthermore, this painting represents a very early appearance of a large Lake T'ai ornamental rock, shown in the background of the garden.