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共找到 12225 筆符合的資料
媽豆腐家花生豆腐 客語拼音:四縣:lai ma maˋteu fu gaˊfanˊteu teu fu 客庄文化資源普查資料庫 經度:X:120.567440 緯度:Y:22.600976 所在地:屏.....more
- 1201/12225
名畫琳瑯 冊 元黃公望雨巖仙觀
居圖成另一面目,或即「皴紋極少,筆尤簡遠」之類歟。本幅選自「名畫琳瑯」冊。&*Huang Kung-wang was a native of Fu-yang. His style name.....more
- 1202/12225
宋張即之書李衎墓志銘 卷
Wen-fu and sobriquet Shu-liao) was a native of Wu-chiang(modern Ho county, Anhwei). At the end.....more
- 1203/12225
元人雜書 卷 康里?致彥中尺牘
) and Mi Fu (1051-1107). The style seen in this letter which is a representative of k'ang-li's early.....more
- 1204/12225
清王鑑倣趙孟頫茂林蕭寺圖 軸
and sepias further enliven the ink tones. This painting, a copy of Chao Meng-fu’s “Temple in a Lush.....more
- 1205/12225
清沈荃倣顏真卿告身帖 軸
influenced by Mi Fu's. Much admired for his calligraphy, Shen was even ordered to the palace to discuss.....more
- 1206/12225
宋錢選畫時苗留犢圖 卷
known for their exceptional talent; of them, Ch'ien Hsuan and Chao Meng-fu are the most famous.....more
- 1207/12225
元明書翰第四十六冊 冊 徐渭書...
the style of the Sung calligrapher Mi Fu with his free and personal manner. “Eight Poems on Autumn.....more
- 1208/12225
清沈荃倣晉唐人書 卷
-in-Waiting. Gifted at calligraphy and studied in the styles of Dong Qichang and Mi Fu, he was the Kangxi.....more
- 1209/12225
清沈荃臨顏真卿爭坐帖 卷
Qichang (1555-1636), but in later years delved into the style of Mi Fu (1051-1108). Much admired.....more
- 1210/12225
宋元集繪 冊 宋牟仲甫松芝群鹿
for Mou Chung-fu, a native of Sui-chou (modern Sui-hsien, Hu-chou), remain unknown. His paintings.....more
- 1211/12225
明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明項德...
onth of summer in the jiashen year (1584), Xiang Deyu painted this in the brush idea of Mi Nangong (Fu.....more
- 1212/12225
唐顏真卿書爭坐位帖墨拓本 冊
passion into forceful characters flying with vitality. Mi Fu said, “This is the most outstanding work.....more
- 1213/12225
民國馬壽華書唐白居易詩 單片
and unrestrained, much in Mi Fu’s spirit, but without the intrepidness.(20110407) 本幅 47x136.6公分 中華民國六十二年(1973.....more
- 1214/12225