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enough when Taiwan's buildings were mostly one story in height. 取得方式:台中扶輪社捐贈 材質:鐵 登錄號:1259 .....more
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made in a Western style as a decoration. The motif is of two animals in a mythological story.....more
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清錫林畫雪景人物事蹟高宗御題 ...
the court as a painter. This painting depicts the story of Yüan An lying in the snow, with a verse.....more
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。 Dragon Gate was about the story that Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Shih Min conquered Korea. Master Li.....more
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by the troupe’s members who just graduated, and it described the story of three out 閩南語 Taiwanese.....more
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唐搨顏真卿麻姑仙壇記 卷
recorded the story behind the legend of the immortal Magu achieving the Tao. Generally when large.....more
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要作品名稱:The Zoo Story 國內/國外節目:國內 演出地點:實驗劇場 節目類型:一般節目 中文節目簡介:「我的目的是要去發現一些動物之間是怎樣相處的…因為動物之間有欄杆隔著,而人與人之間也.....more
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公外傳 次要作品名稱:The Story of Tsao Kung 國內/國外節目:國內 演出地點:國家戲劇院 節目類型:一般節目 中文節目簡介:本劇以道光年間鳳山知縣曹謹(中原河內人)修築水圳(即今.....more
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《戀戀南柯-療傷系水磨情歌》 1/2 Q-Nanke Story 國內/國外節目:國內 演出地點:實驗劇場 節目類型:一般節目 中文節目簡介:淳于事乎被紫衣使者從螞蟻國送回原鄉,他一直不願接受這個事實.....more
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