

清惲壽平畫山水 冊 高樹村居

清惲壽平畫山水 冊 高樹村居

and tree forms, and flat outcroppings and round alum-head rocks dot the scenery, representing.....more

清惲壽平畫湖山小景 冊 石畔古梅

清惲壽平畫湖山小景 冊 石畔古...

branch with forceful and upright twigs stretching out between rocks. The tips of the branches were.....more

明藍瑛畫山水 冊 仿黃公望富春山圖

明藍瑛畫山水 冊 仿黃公望富春...

Gongwang's works and his method of painting rocks and trees. The album from which this leaf comes.....more

明藍瑛畫山水 冊 法黃公望山水

明藍瑛畫山水 冊 法黃公望山水

leaf depicts rocks piled up to create a landscape with trees lofty and houses scattered. Trees lean.....more

名繪集珍 冊  宋黃居寀竹石錦鳩

名繪集珍 冊  宋黃居寀竹石錦...

for the volume of the rocks is also stronger. For these reasons, this album leaf might have been.....more

五代前蜀李昇岳陽樓圖 冊頁

五代前蜀李昇岳陽樓圖 冊頁

to Li Sheng. The trees, rocks, and buildings are all similar to those in the Peking Palace Museum's Y.....more

歷代名繪 冊 宋歸真畫虎

歷代名繪 冊 宋歸真畫虎

, and rocks is a gurgling brook, from which a tiger drinks in a pose of alertness. A hawk is perched.....more

清鄒一桂太古雲嵐 軸

清鄒一桂太古雲嵐 軸

paintings. His brush fondly traces every detail of the trees, rocks and houses, and places them all.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 攢篠孤石高下菊叢

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 攢篠孤石...

of rocks, flowers and bamboo, cats and rabbits, dragons and water, and birds. He lived in Szechwan.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 喬松臥兔石罅流泉

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 喬松臥兔...

for his paintings of rocks, flowers and bamboo, cats and rabbits, dragons and water, and birds. He lived.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 枯樹五羊磐陀流水

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 枯樹五羊...

paintings of rocks, flowers and bamboo, cats and rabbits, dragons and water, and birds. He lived.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 灌木游蜂山貓出谷

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 灌木游蜂...

paintings of rocks, flowers and bamboo, cats and rabbits, dragons and water, and birds. He lived.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 立石葵花下襯雜卉

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 立石葵花...

of rocks, flowers and bamboo, cats and rabbits, dragons and water, and birds. He lived in Szechwan.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 石岸淙流芙蓉蘸水

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 石岸淙流...

paintings of rocks, flowers and bamboo, cats and rabbits, dragons and water, and birds. He lived.....more

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 水仙倚石上有積雪

唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 水仙倚石...

paintings of rocks, flowers and bamboo, cats and rabbits, dragons and water, and birds. He lived.....more
