

LD_001_0025, Losang Tendzin on Gung-tangs Beginning of a Commentary on the Difficult Points 貢塘之了不了義難處釋

LD_001_0025, Losang Tendzin on...

-kya/薩迦; bu-lugs/布敦派; /rigs/lineage派別; thabs/method/upaya/方便; shes rab/wisdom/prajna/般若; Tripitikamala.....more

LD_001_0047, Losang Tendzin on Gung-tangs Beginning of a Commentary on the Difficult Points 貢塘之了不了義難處釋

LD_001_0047, Losang Tendzin on...

-kya/薩迦; bu-lugs/布敦派; /rigs/lineage派別; thabs/method/upaya/方便; shes rab/wisdom/prajna/般若; Tripitikamala.....more

LO_003_0002, Denma Locho Rinpoche on Meditation on Emptiness 空性禪修

LO_003_0002, Denma Locho Rinpo...

; dkyil khan grwa tshan bkra sis lhun po; rnam bshad dgongs pa rab gsal gyi dka' ba'i gnad gsal bar byed.....more

LO_003_0004, Denma Locho Rinpoche on Meditation on Emptiness 空性禪修

LO_003_0004, Denma Locho Rinpo...

; dkyil khan grwa tshan bkra sis lhun po; rnam bshad dgongs pa rab gsal gyi dka' ba'i gnad gsal bar byed.....more

LO_003_0003, Denma Locho Rinpoche on Meditation on Emptiness 空性禪修

LO_003_0003, Denma Locho Rinpo...

; dkyil khan grwa tshan bkra sis lhun po; rnam bshad dgongs pa rab gsal gyi dka' ba'i gnad gsal bar byed.....more

LO_003_0001, Denma Locho Rinpoche on Meditation on Emptiness 空性禪修

LO_003_0001, Denma Locho Rinpo...

; dkyil khan grwa tshan bkra sis lhun po; rnam bshad dgongs pa rab gsal gyi dka' ba'i gnad gsal bar byed.....more

LO_003_0005, Denma Locho Rinpoche on Meditation on Emptiness 空性禪修

LO_003_0005, Denma Locho Rinpo...

; dkyil khan grwa tshan bkra sis lhun po; rnam bshad dgongs pa rab gsal gyi dka' ba'i gnad gsal bar byed.....more

TG_001_0020, Tubten Gyatso on Gomang on the Interpretable Meaning and the Definitive Meaning 哲蚌寺果芒之了義與不了義

TG_001_0020, Tubten Gyatso on ...

-kya/薩迦; bu-lugs/布敦派; /rigs/lineage派別; thabs/method/upaya/方便; shes rab/wisdom/prajna/般若; Tripitikamala.....more

TG_001_0042, Tubten Gyatso on Gomang on the Interpretable Meaning and the Definitive Meaning 哲蚌寺果芒之了義與不了義

TG_001_0042, Tubten Gyatso on ...

-kya/薩迦; bu-lugs/布敦派; /rigs/lineage派別; thabs/method/upaya/方便; shes rab/wisdom/prajna/般若; Tripitikamala.....more

TK_002_0002, Yeshi Tapkay on Pan-chens Distinguishing through Objections and Answers 福稱之了不了義辨明

TK_002_0002, Yeshi Tapkay on P...

-藍蓮寶鬘 gsung rab kun gyi drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par 'byed pa legs par bshad pa'i snying po.....more

TK_002_0001, Yeshi Tapkay on Pan-chens Distinguishing through Objections and Answers 福稱之了不了義辨明

TK_002_0001, Yeshi Tapkay on P...

-藍蓮寶鬘 gsung rab kun gyi drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par 'byed pa legs par bshad pa'i snying po.....more

TK_002_0003, Yeshi Tapkay on Pan-chens Distinguishing through Objections and Answers 福稱之了不了義辨明

TK_002_0003, Yeshi Tapkay on P...

-藍蓮寶鬘 gsung rab kun gyi drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par 'byed pa legs par bshad pa'i snying po.....more

TK_002_0006, Yeshi Tapkay on Pan-chens Distinguishing through Objections and Answers 福稱之了不了義辨明

TK_002_0006, Yeshi Tapkay on P...

-藍蓮寶鬘 gsung rab kun gyi drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par 'byed pa legs par bshad pa'i snying po.....more

TK_002_0005, Yeshi Tapkay on Pan-chens Distinguishing through Objections and Answers 福稱之了不了義辨明

TK_002_0005, Yeshi Tapkay on P...

-藍蓮寶鬘 gsung rab kun gyi drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par 'byed pa legs par bshad pa'i snying po.....more

TK_002_0004, Yeshi Tapkay on Pan-chens Distinguishing through Objections and Answers 福稱之了不了義辨明

TK_002_0004, Yeshi Tapkay on P...

-藍蓮寶鬘 gsung rab kun gyi drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par 'byed pa legs par bshad pa'i snying po.....more
