

明董其昌臨顏真卿書送蔡明遠序 冊

明董其昌臨顏真卿書送蔡明遠序 ...

to the point that he would forget to eat or sleep. His ingenious semi-cursive and standard scripts were.....more



Kuei-hai's Poems:Language,Point of view, and Topics 頁128-144論曾貴海詩作的語言、觀點、主題 頁145-174 作品語文:中文 NclACN.....more

YT_004_0004, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0004, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

from the point of view of the famous Sa-kya scholar Bu-ston AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins 原音.....more

YT_004_0002, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0002, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

from the point of view of the famous Sa-kya scholar Bu-ston AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins 原音.....more

YT_004_0003, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0003, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

from the point of view of the famous Sa-kya scholar Bu-ston AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins 原音.....more

YT_004_0001, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0001, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

from the point of view of the famous Sa-kya scholar Bu-ston AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins 原音.....more

YT_004_0005, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0005, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

from the point of view of the famous Sa-kya scholar Bu-ston AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins 原音.....more

YT_004_0006, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0006, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

from the point of view of the famous Sa-kya scholar Bu-ston AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins 原音.....more

YT_004_0008, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0008, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

the point of view of the famous Sa-kya scholar Bu-ston AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins 原音下.....more

YT_004_0007, Kensur Yeshe Tupden on Bu-dons Difference Between Sutra and Tantra 布敦《顯教與密乘之差異》

YT_004_0007, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

from the point of view of the famous Sa-kya scholar Bu-ston AcquireMethod:Donated by Jeffrey Hopkins 原音.....more

元倪瓚容膝齋圖 軸

元倪瓚容膝齋圖 軸

carefully built up. An upright brush with point-centered energy has been employed more often than.....more

元倪瓚松林亭子 軸

元倪瓚松林亭子 軸

. Throughout the painting the artist uses an upright brush with the energy centered in the point. "Hemp.....more

宋人畫雙松花鳥 軸

宋人畫雙松花鳥 軸

almost to the point of perfection.&*宋代花鳥畫,法度嚴謹,注重寫生,對於景物皆有詳細的觀察研究,並以生動的筆墨,使主體躍然於紙上。本幅設色畫雙松、射干、月季等植物,再加以山喜.....more

明陸治天池石壁 軸

明陸治天池石壁 軸

in Soochow and was painted when the artist was fifty-five. Lu’s style at this point was already at a stage.....more

明史文玉蟾圖 軸

明史文玉蟾圖 軸

-1508) as his starting point. In this work, an old pine bends in and out of the frame with the power.....more
