

TK_002_0008, Yeshi Tapkay on Pan-chens Distinguishing through Objections and Answers 福稱之了不了義辨明

TK_002_0008, Yeshi Tapkay on P...

:An encyclopedic reference work on "Three natures in the Mind-Only School" Tape recorder and original provider.....more

TK_002_0009, Yeshi Tapkay on Pan-chens Distinguishing through Objections and Answers 福稱之了不了義辨明

TK_002_0009, Yeshi Tapkay on P...

:An encyclopedic reference work on "Three natures in the Mind-Only School" Tape recorder and original provider.....more

TK_002_0007, Yeshi Tapkay on Pan-chens Distinguishing through Objections and Answers 福稱之了不了義辨明

TK_002_0007, Yeshi Tapkay on P...

:An encyclopedic reference work on "Three natures in the Mind-Only School" Tape recorder and original provider.....more

TK_002_0013, Yeshi Tapkay on Pan-chens Distinguishing through Objections and Answers 福稱之了不了義辨明

TK_002_0013, Yeshi Tapkay on P...

:An encyclopedic reference work on "Three natures in the Mind-Only School" Tape recorder and original provider.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋緙絲翠羽秋荷

宋元集繪 冊 宋緙絲翠羽秋荷

of light and dark colors in the lotus leaves, stems, and water plants are also exceptionally original.....more

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

面畫於六十五歲時,老幹虬枝,素花如雪,全得梅花疏傲之致。 &* Chin Chün-ming (original name Chin Kun, tzu Chiu-chang; later.....more

明呂紀秋渚水禽 軸

明呂紀秋渚水禽 軸

of famous T’ang (618-907) and Sung (960-1279) dynasty artists. The original title of this painting.....more

明董其昌倣宋元人縮本畫及跋 冊 倣黃公望臨董源夏山圖

明董其昌倣宋元人縮本畫及跋 冊...

風貌。(明 董其昌 倣宋元人縮本畫及跋冊 第九開 20110609)&*There is presently no way to determine the original appearance.....more

清郎世寧畫十駿犬蒼猊犬 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿犬蒼猊犬 軸

配景,花樹駿犬,描繪神態栩栩如生。&* Lang Shih-ning, whose original name was Giuseppe Castiglione, was a native.....more

宋人畫秋塘雙雁 軸

宋人畫秋塘雙雁 軸

. Thus, although the original title refers to wild geese, there are actually domesticated ones shown.....more

清陳字文房集錦 冊 戲嬰圖

清陳字文房集錦 冊 戲嬰圖

Playing with a Puppet Ch’en Tzu (1634-after 1713) Ch’ing Dynasty Ch’en Tzu (original name Ju-chen.....more

唐閻立本畫蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 卷

唐閻立本畫蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 卷

) by any means, including trickery and theft, from the monk Pien-ts'ai, who had the original.....more

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

patterns while creating a colorful, shimmering surface. The original label for this work ascribes.....more

宋郭熙早春圖 軸

宋郭熙早春圖 軸

in landscapes and wintry trees. He was extremely skilful and profoundly original.....more

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

五代後蜀丘文播文會圖 軸

to Qiu Wenbo. When it was done as a tracing based on the original remains unknown. Qiu Wenbo (also named.....more
