

清畫院畫十二月月令圖七月 軸

清畫院畫十二月月令圖七月 軸

their toil and meet. Magpies must form a bridge across the Milky Way so that the maid may cross over to her.....more

五代南唐徐熙花卉草蟲 卷

五代南唐徐熙花卉草蟲 卷

, the painting does not match his reported style. We may presume that the painter of this scroll added.....more

明石芮軒轅問道圖 卷

明石芮軒轅問道圖 卷

to the works of the Ming dynasty Che school artists Tai Chin and Wu Wei, and may considered an early.....more

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 元王振鵬仙閣凌虛

藝苑藏真(下) 冊 元王振鵬仙...

, Chu Yü, and Wei Ming-hsüan. Thus, this work may not necessarily be by Wang.....more

五代南唐李坡風竹 軸

五代南唐李坡風竹 軸

may have been done by a Yuan artist. Li Po, a native of Nanchang in Jiangsi, excelled at paintin.....more

清郎世寧畫魚藻 軸

清郎世寧畫魚藻 軸

of the painting, this work may have originally been glued to the surface of a palace wall and then later.....more

清張若靄畫雪景人物事蹟 軸

清張若靄畫雪景人物事蹟 軸

zigzag format which proceeds upwards from the bottom. Originally, there may have been errors made.....more

明王寵千字文 卷

明王寵千字文 卷

the creative character and aesthetic consciousness of Wang Ch'ung. His calligraphic style may.....more

宋元集繪 冊 宋韓祐螽斯綿瓞

宋元集繪 冊 宋韓祐螽斯綿瓞

. For this reason, the painting here may be a plant-and-insect work of the late Southern Song period.(20101015) 本幅.....more

明人便面集錦 冊 明朱朗秋柳鳴蟬

明人便面集錦 冊 明朱朗秋柳鳴...

. Later Wen said to his friends, “May my authentic painting be somehow viewed as a fabricated Tzu-lang.....more

明唐寅倣唐人仕女 軸

明唐寅倣唐人仕女 軸

to Sound of Pines on a Mountain Path (1516), this work may have been done at around the same time.....more

明仇英臨宋元六景 冊

明仇英臨宋元六景 冊

collection and may have been done by Qiu while employed at his home.&*1.許郭璜,〈明仇英臨宋元六景〉,收入許郭璜編,《仇英作品展圖錄.....more

元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸

元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸

painting. Southern scholars such as Chao Meng-fu may have guided him, but the northerner Li K.....more

元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸

元高克恭雲橫秀嶺 軸

painting. Southern scholars such as Chao Meng-fu may have guided him, but the northerner Li K.....more

唐閻立本畫蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 卷

唐閻立本畫蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 卷

of the monk Biancai. Although this work may not be an authentic example of Yan Liben’s painting, the figures.....more
