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共找到 1026 筆符合的資料
明項德新秋江雲樹圖 軸
, has captured both the form and spirit of the Yüan master. Depicting a cove of a river.....more
- 617/1026
明邊文進春花三喜 軸
at painting flowers, fruits, and birds. He was the master painter whose style was emulated by Lü.....more
- 618/1026
元吳鎮後赤壁賦圖 軸
), the famous Southern Sung court master. Nonetheless, this unsigned work has been traditionally.....more
- 619/1026
明文徵明倣古山水 軸
。&*Landscape in the Style of an Ancient Master Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559) Ming Dynasty Wen Cheng-ming.....more
- 620/1026
明文徵明琴鶴圖清高宗御題 軸
was Heng-shan chü-shih. He was the most influential leading master of the Wu school. At the age.....more
- 622/1026
元俞和臨定武褉帖 冊
'ang writings. As a youth, he viewed the master Chao Meng-fu do calligraphy and Yu was able.....more
- 623/1026
清王翬雲溪草堂圖 卷
and Southern schools of painting. Because of his consummate skill, he became the greatest master.....more
- 624/1026
明陳洪綬畫隱居十六觀 冊 品梵
, and eccentricly marvelous. Ch’en Hung-shou was an extremely influential late Ming dynasty master.....more
- 625/1026
明丁雲鵬應真雲彙 卷
-p’eng, a native of Anhwei province, excelled at painting Buddhist figures and is considered a master.....more
- 626/1026
宋四家法書 卷 宋蘇軾書次韻三...
in the classics and histories, attaining great heights in literature and becoming a master. He once said.....more
- 629/1026
元趙孟頫書閒居賦 卷
granted the title of Wen-min. Chao was a master of painting and calligraphy, and his poetry and prose.....more
- 630/1026