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共找到 16904 筆符合的資料
宋四家真蹟 冊 宋米芾書論書
was appointed Doctor of Painting and Calligraphy under Hui-tsung (r. 1101-1125), thereby giving him.....more
- 3931/16904
清吳歷雲白山青圖 卷
Hui were both students of Wang Chien and Wang Shih-min. These four are often grouped.....more
- 3932/16904
清張廷彥畫平定烏什戰圖 軸
of central importance to the Hui tribe. The city, set at the foot of a hill, was surrounded by a wall.....more
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清花卉畫冊 冊 清惲壽平牡丹
of the Ch'ing dynasty. Originally a master of landscapes, Yün felt he could not equal Wang Hui.....more
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宋李唐畫四時山水 冊
artist active from the reign of Hui-tsung into the early Southern Sung. In its history, this set.....more
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清王學浩山水畫冊 冊
artists as Hui-ch’ung and Yen Wen-kuei. Inscriptions also mention imitation after Yüan and Ch’ing.....more
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元顏輝畫袁安臥雪圖 軸
the clothing folds. Though attributed to Yen Hui, the style here differs, suggesting the hand of a later.....more
- 3937/16904
-Nong Wu、Hui Huang、C.C.Sun、Chen Sun、Yin-Chih Hsu、Kang Liu 地名資訊:華盛頓(美國)、紐約(美國)、重慶、俄亥俄(美國)、芝加哥(美國)、安大略(加拿大.....more
- 3938/16904
明陳洪綬雜畫 冊 仕女
Lotus. At the fall of the Ming his sobriquets were Hui-ch’ih and Wu-ch’ih.) Ch’en created distinctive.....more
- 3939/16904
清惲壽平畫湖山小景 冊 石畔古...
landscapes, but realized after meeting the famous landscapist Wang Hui that he (Yün) could.....more
- 3940/16904
清惲壽平寫生花卉 冊 洛浦仙裳
not compete with the master Wang Hui (1632-1717), turning to flowers instead. His style derives from.....more
- 3941/16904
名繪集珍 冊 宋黃居寀竹石錦...
. This is the eighth leaf from the album Ming-hui Chi-chen, and the old label gives Huang Chü-ts'ai.....more
- 3942/16904
清惲壽平畫禹穴古柏 軸
painter. Originally specializing in landscapes, he felt unable to equal Wang Hui and consequently focused.....more
- 3943/16904
宋十二名家法書 冊 宋吳琚書識...
-hui. Most of his surviving works date from 1174to 1194. Wu Chü’s calligraphy was based.....more
- 3944/16904
鏤繪集錦 冊 山果寒禽
leaf from the album Lou-hui chi-chin ts’e. &*藍地設色織。一株枝垂倒地的果樹,結實纍纍,樹葉繁密,石榴金黃香甜垂涎欲滴,一隻麻雀佇立枝頭。本幅運用為藍與金.....more
- 3945/16904