搜尋:he he


宋劉松年絲綸圖 軸

宋劉松年絲綸圖 軸

, lived at Ch'ing-po-men and so acquired the names of Liu Ch'ing-po and An-men Liu. He was a student.....more

明宋旭皆大歡喜圖 軸

明宋旭皆大歡喜圖 軸

province, was a monk and he also excelled as a painter of landscapes and figures. This work, done in 1531.....more

明周之冕畫葡萄松鼠 軸

明周之冕畫葡萄松鼠 軸

province. He was a skilled calligrapher in the ancient clerical style and a good painter of birds.....more

明趙左雲巖響瀑圖 軸

明趙左雲巖響瀑圖 軸

, was a native of Hua-t’ing, Kiangsu. He excelled at painting landscapes, an art he learned from the Ming.....more

明張宏寒山高逸 軸

明張宏寒山高逸 軸

, was a native of Wu-chün, Kiangsu. He was a proficient painter who portrayed stylized figures in a unique.....more

明陳栝獻歲祥霙 軸

明陳栝獻歲祥霙 軸

tzu (style name) was Tzu-cheng, his hao (sobriquet) T’o-chiang, and he was the son of Ch’en Ch’un.....more

明陸治春耕圖 軸

明陸治春耕圖 軸

. Although easy-going by nature, he had a strong moral sense and was praised by his friends for his filial.....more

明仇英秋獵圖 卷

明仇英秋獵圖 卷

was a professional lacquer artisan before he met Chou Ch’en. Under Chou’s instruction, Ch’iu gradually.....more

明唐寅琴士圖 卷

明唐寅琴士圖 卷

personality was that of an unrestrained genius, and he was by nature quite.....more

清郎世寧畫愛烏罕四駿 卷

清郎世寧畫愛烏罕四駿 卷

of Italy. At the age of 19 he entered the Jesuit order as a novitiate, also studying oil painting.....more

宋崔白蘆雁 軸

宋崔白蘆雁 軸

style name was Tzu-hsi) came from Hao-liang in Anhwei. He entered the Imperial Academy of Painting.....more

明文徵明花卉 冊 洛浦凌波

明文徵明花卉 冊 洛浦凌波

, Kiangsu. He was skilled in all of the literati arts: poetry, prose, calligraphy and painting. Wen Cheng.....more

明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸

明董其昌倣顏真卿書 軸

and Yu Shih-nan and later continued in the Chung Yu and Wang Hsi-chih tradition. He also borrowed from.....more

唐懷素自敘帖 卷

唐懷素自敘帖 卷

-sha, Hunan. Early in life, he left his family to become a Buddhist monk, changing his name.....more

名畫琳瑯 冊 明姚綬竹樹春鶯

名畫琳瑯 冊 明姚綬竹樹春鶯

sobriquets was Yün-tung i-shih. He excelled at poetry and his collected poems may be found.....more
