

元王蒙谿山高逸 軸

元王蒙谿山高逸 軸

inscription to "Chü-ch'uang, Friend of the Lute," who is the figure seen playing the lute.....more

宋蘇焯端陽戲嬰圖 軸

宋蘇焯端陽戲嬰圖 軸

other hand controls a toad at the end of a string which he wants to put on his friend's head.....more

明人五王醉歸圖 軸

明人五王醉歸圖 軸

, another pulls back a sleeve and urges more merriment as he pours for his friend. A female attendant.....more

明陸治端陽佳景 軸

明陸治端陽佳景 軸

, classical prose, calligraphy and painting. A friend of Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559) and Chu.....more

明陳淳崑璧圖 軸

明陳淳崑璧圖 軸

in 1543, when Chen was 61 by Chinese reckoning. It is in gratitude to a friend for sending him a potted.....more

明文徵明喬林煮茗圖 軸

明文徵明喬林煮茗圖 軸

of this painting, which was painted as a gift for a friend. The brushwork, however, is very fine. The inscription.....more

明文徵明花卉 冊 芳塘淨植

明文徵明花卉 冊 芳塘淨植

for a friend. This is the 5th leaf. Here, Wen used light ink to outline the lotus petals and washes.....more

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治林泉高致

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治...

excelled at poetry, classical prose, calligraphy, and painting. He was a close friend of Chu Yün-ming.....more

宋薛紹彭雜書 卷

宋薛紹彭雜書 卷

was a friend of the calligrapher-collector Mi Fu and Liu Ching. In his own calligraphy, he studied.....more

明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治牡丹鶵菊

明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治牡丹...

-tzu. He excelled at poetry, classical prose, calligraphy and painting. He was a close friend of Chu Y.....more

明陸治雪窗見易圖 軸

明陸治雪窗見易圖 軸

for a friend, representing a cold wintry scene. The subject and style both derive from those of Wen Cheng.....more

明張宏華子岡圖 卷

明張宏華子岡圖 卷

from a letter written by the T’ang poet Wang Wei (701-761) to a friend. It describes a night trip.....more

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

明花卉畫冊 冊 明金俊明梅花

a loyal friend and cultivated a strong moral rectitude. A scholar of broad learning, he explored all.....more

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋陸游致仲躬侍郎尺牘

宋人法書(三) 冊 宋陸游致仲...

year, Lu wrote a letter to a friend, Tseng Tai, describing the nature of the disaster and thereby.....more


明陸治彭澤高縱 冊頁

, Lu Chih was teaching at Lake Ch’en when his friend Li Chao-hsiang visited him and presented him.....more
