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共找到 24 筆符合的資料
名繪集珍 冊 宋黃居寀竹石錦...
. This is the eighth leaf from the album Ming-hui Chi-chen, and the old label gives Huang Chü-ts'ai.....more
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唐閻立本竹林五君圖 軸
有清高宗題討,高宗認為這幅畫是描繪「晉竹林七賢」稽康、阮籍、山濤、向秀、劉伶、阮咸、王戎,其中王戎與山濤沒有畫入圖中。左下角的竹桿上有「閻立本畫」的款字,當為後人假托之作。 &*Yen Li-pen.....more
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明宣宗畫花下貍奴圖 軸
was Chu Chan-chi, was the grandson of Emperor Ch’eng-tzu (r.1403-1424). The fifth emperor of the Ming.....more
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明董其昌霜林秋思 軸
. The author of several books, such as Jung-t’ai chi and Hua ch’an-shih sui-pi, he exerted a tremendous.....more
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唐李昭道春山行旅圖 軸
for Provisions of T'ai-yüan and in the Chi-hsien Hall. His landscape paintings followed.....more
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清董邦達繪高宗御筆四美具贊 軸
scrolls by Li kung-lin and one by Ku K’ai-chih. The works, lost after Ku Chen-yü’s death, were.....more
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宋陳居中文姬歸漢圖 軸
and horses. This picture illustrates a part of a famous story of Wen-chi, who was the daughter.....more
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The Role of High Frequency Ult...
Liao, Ai-ho Li, Pai-chi The Role of High Frequency Ultrasound in Multimodality Small Animal Imaging.....more
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The Application of Oxygen Satu...
Yeih, Dong-feng Lai, Chao-lun Liao, Pen-chih Yang, Chi-yu Chu, Shu-hsun Li, Ai-hsein Chiu, Yu-wei.....more
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朱熹 理 氣 太極 格物 Chu Hsi Li Chi T'ai-Chi Ko-Wu 國家圖書館 20080700 期刊論文 陳佳銘(Chen, Chia-ming) 朱子的太極理氣論與格物工夫之探.....more
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, Ai-chi) 蕭小芬(Hsiao, Hsiao-fen) 李勇儀(Li, Yong-yi) 產業內股價連動效應及其衍生之投資策略研究 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:財金論文叢刊 卷期:9.....more
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Primarily Total Revascularizat...
(Chuang, Yu-ming) 李愛先(Li, Ai-hsien) 楊基譽(Yang, Chi-yu) 朱樹勳(Chu, Shu-hsun) Primarily Total.....more
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