

主要題名:參寥子詩集 十二卷

主要題名:參寥子詩集 十二卷

:25公分 版本敘述:明崇禎八(乙亥)年(1635)汪汝謙重刊本 裝訂:線裝襯裝 作品語文:漢文 主要題名:參寥子詩集 十二卷 拼音題名:Can liao zi shi ji shi er juan 類.....more

主要題名:大元通制條格 殘存二十二卷

主要題名:大元通制條格 殘存二十...

書館, 民19[1930] 裝訂:線裝 作品語文:漢文 主要題名:大元通制條格 殘存二十二卷 其他題名:通制條格 拼音題名:Da yuan tong zhi tiao ge can cun er.....more

清嚴宏滋白描羅漢 卷

清嚴宏滋白描羅漢 卷

to each other, and appear happy and contented. In the figural composition, the lohans can be divided.....more

宋蕭照畫山腰樓觀 軸

宋蕭照畫山腰樓觀 軸

the mountains can be compared with Li's; furthermore, Hsiao's subjects.....more

明陳淳崑璧圖 軸

明陳淳崑璧圖 軸

of scorched ink to dot the lichen reflects the influence of Shen Zhou (1427-1509) and can be traced back.....more

清孫祜秋山樓閣 軸

清孫祜秋山樓閣 軸

. Oxen can also be seen among the trees. Within the precisely articulated details of the composition.....more

宋人畫魚籃觀音 軸

宋人畫魚籃觀音 軸

with age, but in places the scales of the fish can still be seen.&*據〈觀音感應傳〉所載:唐元和十二年,陜西金沙灘上,有一美女子攜籃鬻魚,人爭欲室.....more

清王翬臨王維山陰霽雪圖 卷

清王翬臨王維山陰霽雪圖 卷

collections of painting and to absorb various styles ancient and contemporary masters. We can no longer.....more

明曹有光孫杕畫冊 冊 蘭石圖

明曹有光孫杕畫冊 冊 蘭石圖

in this painting of 1651 can be compared with a similar painting mode of Lan Ying. 本幅 30.4x39.1公分、全幅 36.6x87.....more

清何紹基行書八言聯 鏡片

清何紹基行書八言聯 鏡片

spring in the mountains can loosen one’s belt, the orchid’s fragrance so serene as to not raising a cup.....more

宋緙絲山水 軸

宋緙絲山水 軸

is that the woven image can be viewed from either the front or back. The coloring of this tapestry.....more

元人臨漢晉各帖 冊 鮮于樞臨王獻之鵝群帖

元人臨漢晉各帖 冊 鮮于樞臨王...

and bounds, so no matter how much I try, I can never catch him.” This is a copy of Wang Xianzhi’s “Flock.....more

明黃炳中申時行適適圃圖 冊 牡丹亭

明黃炳中申時行適適圃圖 冊 牡...

) and of his student Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559), and thus this work can be considered a product of the Wu.....more

明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 二月春光

明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 二月春光

takes on the feeling of colors, and the viewer feels that he can see the colors and smell the fragrance.....more

明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 群仙獻芝

明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 群仙獻芝

from then on only dedicating his talents to the painting of Buddhist subjects. As we can see from his.....more
