

墨林拔萃 冊 元方從義惠山舟行圖

墨林拔萃 冊 元方從義惠山舟行...

towards the left with considerable speed. The brushwork has also been done with quickness, and the ink.....more

宋人集繪 冊 無款周處擊蛟圖

宋人集繪 冊 無款周處擊蛟圖

of the Eight Immortals of Taoist legend, Li T’ieh-kuai (“Iron-staff Li”). He was said to have been tall.....more

清羅牧林壑蕭?圖 軸

清羅牧林壑蕭?圖 軸

drenched with ink has been wielded without restraint in this painting. The untreated paper has soaked up.....more

清王原祁仿王蒙山水 軸

清王原祁仿王蒙山水 軸

are worked with variety and harmony. Great care has been taken with the painting, down to the very.....more

清張若靄畫水仙 軸

清張若靄畫水仙 軸

. In the distance, a rapidly flowing stream is brimming forth. Flowers and leaves have been outlined.....more

明冷謙群仙圖 卷

明冷謙群仙圖 卷

, resided in Chekiang. A Taoist said to have been over 100 years old in 1367, he also painted landscapes.....more

清方琮石壁秋林 軸

清方琮石壁秋林 軸

似倪雲林,畫面充滿一片荒寒蕭瑟的氣氛。&* No details of the life of Fang Ts’ung (style name Huang-shan) have been.....more

清許良標芭蕉美人圖 軸

清許良標芭蕉美人圖 軸

and death dates of Hsü Liang-piao are uncertain, but he appears to have been active.....more

名畫薈珍 冊 明王紱小山叢竹

名畫薈珍 冊 明王紱小山叢竹

in front and back, the rocks, on the other hand, have been done mostly in abbreviated, dry brushwork.....more

清董邦達倣王蒙萬疊芙蓉 軸

清董邦達倣王蒙萬疊芙蓉 軸

, with its massed mountains and spreading waters has a quality of distant stiliness. It has been painted.....more

清赫奕煙江漁艇 軸

清赫奕煙江漁艇 軸

he exact birth and death dates of Ho I (sobriquet Tan-shih) are unknown, though he is known to have been.....more

清許良標畫仙人圖 軸

清許良標畫仙人圖 軸

are painted using bright colors and crisp, detailed lines. This kind of painting would have been hung.....more

清張成龍仿張僧繇山水 軸

清張成龍仿張僧繇山水 軸

the fact that this method is said to have been developed by Chang Seng-yau of the T’ang dynasty.....more

清王武花卉寫意 卷

清王武花卉寫意 卷

a lively sense to the work. Though the brushwork is sketchy, none of the details have been lost.....more

清董邦達三潭印月 軸

清董邦達三潭印月 軸

, it was as if it had been attracted down to float there on the lake. 本幅 126.9x66.7公分、全幅 90公分 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態.....more
