

清惲壽平寫生花卉 冊 枝上霜氣

清惲壽平寫生花卉 冊 枝上霜氣

. With his unique style, Yun Shouping became a master of flower painting in the Qing dynasty. This leaf.....more

明人畫扇 冊 明文伯仁江郭晴帆

明人畫扇 冊 明文伯仁江郭晴帆

in the catalogue of the Qing dynasty court collection from which it comes. The ancient name of Gaoyou.....more

清李培雨畫牡丹 冊 牡丹(五)

清李培雨畫牡丹 冊 牡丹(五)

are unknown, was a court artist in the late Qing dynasty. It is only known that he lived in the Beijing.....more

清芬永駐(原單位統一編號 01000265)

清芬永駐(原單位統一編號 01000...

主題意涵:抒情 技法:沒骨 色彩:墨色 題材:花卉 中國文化大學華岡博物館 畫心尺寸:86×354cm 入藏日期:1972-07-20 本名:鄭曼青 譯名:Zheng Man-qing 清芬永駐(原.....more



色彩:設色 技法:寫意 主題意涵:寫景 表現題材:花卉 版權:中國文化大學華岡博物館 畫心尺寸:90x44cm 基底材:紙 型式:靜態圖像 本名:鄭曼青 譯名:Zheng Man-qing 數位化執.....more

Tombstone of 藍 (LAN2) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Ligangxiang, northwest of Pin 12. The tombstone-ID is 2357; 台灣,屏東縣,里港鄉,屏12號西北,藍姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 藍 (LAN2) family ...

.501999109983 N22.7840359697515; 東120.501999109983 北22.7840359697515 time period時代:Qing Dynasty; 清領時期 family.....more

Tombstone of 邱 (QIU1) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Jiuruxiang, west of highway 3. The tombstone-ID is 2301; 台灣,屏東縣,九如鄉,台3號西邊,邱姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 邱 (QIU1) family ...

.7333625; 東120.477945 北22.7333625 time period時代:Qing Dynasty; 清領時期 family name姓名:邱(QIU1) gender性別:male; 男.....more

Tombstone of 李 (LI3) family at Taiwan, Gaoxiongxian, Meinongzhen, north of village, foot of mountains. The tombstone-ID is 3303; 台灣,高雄縣,美濃鎮,北方,山腳,李姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 李 (LI3) family a...

。 coordinates定位:E120.55113 N22.91861; 東120.55113 北22.91861 time period時代:Qing Dynasty; 清領時期 family.....more

Tombstone of 宋 (SONG4) family at Taiwan, Gaoxiongxian, Meinongzhen, north of village, foot of mountains. The tombstone-ID is 3337; 台灣,高雄縣,美濃鎮,北方,山腳,宋姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 宋 (SONG4) family...

墓碑。 coordinates定位:E120.55113 N22.91861; 東120.55113 北22.91861 time period時代:Qing Dynasty; 清領時期 family.....more

Tombstone of 朱 (ZHU1) family at Taiwan, Gaoxiongxian, Meinongzhen, north of village, foot of mountains. The tombstone-ID is 3336; 台灣,高雄縣,美濃鎮,北方,山腳,朱姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 朱 (ZHU1) family ...

碑。 coordinates定位:E120.55113 N22.91861; 東120.55113 北22.91861 time period時代:Qing Dynasty; 清領時期 family.....more

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) family at Taiwan, Jiayixian, Shuishangxiang, Shuishangcun, near Airport. The tombstone-ID is 4008; 台灣,嘉義縣,水上鄉,水上村,近機場,張姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) famil...

.39263471961 N23.440042005663; 東120.39263471961 北23.440042005663 time period時代:Qing Dynasty; 清領時期.....more

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family at Taiwan, Jiayixian, Shuishangxiang, Shuishangcun, near Airport. The tombstone-ID is 4073; 台灣,嘉義縣,水上鄉,水上村,近機場,賴姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 賴 (LAI4) family ...

.39263471961 N23.440042005663; 東120.39263471961 北23.440042005663 time period時代:Qing Dynasty; 清領時期 family.....more

Tombstone of 許 (XU3) family at Taiwan, Jiayixian, Minxiong, near Highway 1Taiwan. The tombstone-ID is 3858; 台灣,嘉義縣,民雄,近台1線,許姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 許 (XU3) family a...

120.40533 北23.519996 time period時代:Qing Dynasty; 清領時期 family name姓名:許(XU3) gender性別:female; 女 writing.....more

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family at Taiwan, Jiayixian, Minxiong, near Highway 1Taiwan. The tombstone-ID is 3899; 台灣,嘉義縣,民雄,近台1線,陳姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family...

; 東120.40533 北23.519996 time period時代:Qing Dynasty; 清領時期 family name姓名:陳(CHEN2) gender性別:male; 男.....more

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family at Taiwan, Tainanshi, Nanqu, Tongpanqian Cemetery. The tombstone-ID is 4413; 台灣,台南市,桶盤淺幕園,陳姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family...

.9698886778381; 東120.203250646591 北22.9698886778381 time period時代:Qing Dynasty; 清領時期 family name姓名:陳(CHEN2.....more
