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共找到 3340 筆符合的資料
清黃慎王旼序榮集繪 冊 白梅茶...
) Ch’ing Dynasty Huang Shen (style name Kung-mou and Kung-shou; sobriquet Ying-p’iao) was a native.....more
- 1096/3340
清唐岱孫祜等繪慶豐圖 軸
’ing court painting style. &* 漢高祖劉邦本是豐邑(江蘇豐縣)人,稱帝後定都長安。由於父親思鄉,於是將長安的街道改建成豐的樣子,並命豐的居民移居於此,以滿足太上皇的.....more
- 1097/3340
唐閻立本畫蕭翼賺蘭亭圖 卷
. 627-649) who was ordered to acquire the Lan-t'ing Scroll (also known as the Orchid Pavilion Preface.....more
- 1109/3340
唐徐浩書朱巨川告身 卷
a calligrapher in the middle T'ang as Yen Chen-ch'ing. Hsü was noted for his writing and excelling.....more
- 1110/3340