搜尋:works 在 繪畫 分類當中


民國王震蘆舟 冊頁

民國王震蘆舟 冊頁

subjects in a variety of manners, including large and small works, all of which he commanded.....more

元陸廣五瑞圖 軸

元陸廣五瑞圖 軸

at painting landscapes, imitating the works of Wang Meng (1308-1385). His brushwork has an archaic.....more

宋崔白蘆汀宿雁 軸

宋崔白蘆汀宿雁 軸

ascribe works of this subject matter to his name. This painting is such an example. However.....more

元唐棣山水 軸

元唐棣山水 軸

. 1068-1077) and Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322), recapturing the serenity and majesty of these masters' works.....more

元趙雍畫馬 卷

元趙雍畫馬 卷

in Chao Yung's name, it lacks the archaic tendency found in his other works. Chao Yung (style name.....more

明夏昶奇石修篁圖 軸

明夏昶奇石修篁圖 軸

his works a light and radiant quality that is evident here. 本幅 275.1x104.7公分&全幅 132公分 TIME.....more

明商喜寫生 軸

明商喜寫生 軸

works for court temples and palaces. The title slip assigns this painting to Shang Hsi. In this ga.....more

明沈貞吉畫菖蒲 軸

明沈貞吉畫菖蒲 軸

a painting, he would deliberate for months-even a year. Putting such thought into his works, few of them.....more

明趙左雲巖響瀑圖 軸

明趙左雲巖響瀑圖 軸

are uncertain, but his works date between the twenty-year period (1603-1629,). His paintings of rainy scenes.....more

明謝時臣鹿鳴嘉宴圖 軸

明謝時臣鹿鳴嘉宴圖 軸

excelled in the depiction of water, whether river, lake, or sea. His large scale works are full.....more

明孫克弘畫端陽景 軸

明孫克弘畫端陽景 軸

, and hollyhock. This painting is an example of Sun’s realistic works. 本幅 107.7x28.7公分、全幅 61公分 類型:繪畫.....more

元俞和書陶潛詩(二) 冊

元俞和書陶潛詩(二) 冊

people often changed the signature on Yu's works to that of Chao. This work is divided into two.....more

明文徵明書七言律詩 軸

明文徵明書七言律詩 軸

smaller pieces. Works of this size by Wen Cheng-ming are extremely rare. 本幅 343.8x99.5公分、全幅 135公分 類型:書法.....more

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋范純粹書尺牘

宋人法書(一) 冊 宋范純粹書...

known surviving works of calligraphy. Done in 1078, the character forms have a uniquely personal.....more

名畫琳瑯 冊 明姚綬竹樹春鶯

名畫琳瑯 冊 明姚綬竹樹春鶯

in Yun-tung chi. In painting he modeled his works after those of the Yüan masters. A large portion.....more


works 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋