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共找到 183 筆符合的資料
明張翀畫東閣觀梅 軸
, with refined brushwork and delicate colors. The other followed the Ming painter Wu Wei, bold and untramelled.....more
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元明人題錢譜雜文 冊 金聲書賦...
Yang Wei-chen sigh about how one can tell the changes in the world through the changes in money, he.....more
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明王逢元書七言律詩 軸
of Wang Wei. In his standard script he followed Chung Yu and in his grass script, Wang Hsi-chih.....more
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宋元墨寶 冊 元張雨書五言律詩
manner was similar to that of his contemporary, Yang Wei-chen. Traveling throughout Kiangnan after.....more
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集古圖繪 冊 明唐寅秋山
(style names Tzu-wei and Po-hu, sobriquet Liu-ju) was a native of Soochow. He was extremely talented.....more
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明郭詡東山攜妓圖 軸
belonged to a convivial group of artists that included Wu Wei, Tu Chin and Shen Chou. In the Hung-chih.....more
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清錢維城雪浦歸帆圖 軸
Wei-ch’eng (tzu Chia-hsüan, hao Ch’a-shan) was named a member of the Board of Public Works.....more
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宋趙令穰陶潛賞菊圖 卷
of Wang Wei. His shore scenes with waterfowl were said to be imbued with the spirit of waterscapes.....more
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清錢維城畫江閣遠帆 軸
間是遼闊的江面,遠帆片片歸去,水鳥陣陣飛來。長松下有飛閣,閣中人對江凝視。本幅構圖奇特,兩旁以實,中空為虛,在長軸中頗為罕見。山石樹木皆以短促尖銳的筆調,頗受王翬的影響。 &* Ch’ien Wei.....more
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