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共找到 81 筆符合的資料
唐刁光胤寫生花卉 冊 桃花雙蝶...
, he accompanied the emperor Chao-tsung (r.888-904) to Ch'eng-tu, Szechwan. He was noted for his.....more
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宋四家墨寶 冊 宋蔡襄書尺牘
。(20061206)&*Ts'ai Hsiang, style name Chün-mo, was a native of Hsien-yu, Fukien. In his practice.....more
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明沈周蘇州山水全圖 卷
Dynasty Shen Chou (style name Ch’i-nan, sobriquets Shih-t’ien and Pai-shih-weng) was a native of Ch.....more
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清張廷彥畫平定烏什戰圖 軸
城,兩軍交鋒的情形。布局森然,筆法精緻,故雖千軍萬馬而不顯紊亂。 &*Quelling the Rebels at Wu-shen Chang T’ing-yen (1735-1794) Ch’ing.....more
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開泰說一篇,又仿明宣宗作開泰圖。三羊造型,實仿朗世寧開泰圖。花石則係鄒一桂奉詔補景之作。 &*Following Ming Hsuan-tsung’s Kai-tai Tu The Ch’ien.....more
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明劉度仿趙承旨長春翠柏 軸
。 &* Liu Tu, a native of Chekiang province, excelled at landscape painting and initially studied.....more
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明劉度畫春山臺榭 軸
School painters as Li Ssu-hsun and Chao Po-chü. Liu Tu’s works are noted for their elegance.....more
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元人舊蹟 冊 虞集致丹丘博士公...
of Wu Ch'en. In 1297 his connections brought him the appointment as a professor in the Ta-tu lu School.....more
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元薩都剌嚴陵釣臺圖 軸
作品不多見。 此幅蓋寫富春江嚴陵釣魚臺,巉磯雜亂,巨松偃仰,屋宇次列於石後,檣影互出於傍岸,危巖聳立,盤道直上,釣台在望。下眺橫江澄碧,孤舟輕蕩,一派江山勝景,發人遐思。&*Sa-tu-la.....more
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墨林拔萃 冊 唐韋偃雙騎圖
reads "Painted in the spring of 627 by Wei Yen." Wei Yen was from ch'ang-an (present-day Sian.....more
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