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共找到 107 筆符合的資料
清汪承霈春祺集錦 卷
,故為花王。 &* Depicted here are a multitude of flowers and plants from the four seasons, painted from.....more
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宋元集繪 冊 宋許迪野蔬草蟲
for its plant-and-insect painters. Excelling at plants and insects, his style derives from.....more
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清惲壽平畫禹穴古柏 軸
on flowers and plants. Incorporating the “boneless” wash method in his repertoire and creating.....more
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清王武花卉 冊 墨畫牡丹
and Plants. The brushwork, although exceedingly uncomplicated, still suffices to communicate the volupt.....more
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宋緙絲喜報生孫圖 軸
other. Various flowers and plants, such as hydrangea, rose, chrysanthemum, camellia, and bamboo.....more
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五代南唐徐熙玉堂富貴圖 軸
,為南唐著名的花鳥畫家,畫史記載他長於以墨寫枝葉蕊萼,然後上色稱落墨花,獨具風格。 &*Depicted here is a crowded scene of flowers and plants.....more
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宋徽宗池塘秋晚圖 卷
。 (20110913)&* Focusing on lotuses and an egret, the various birds and plants have been arranged.....more
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明文伯仁新水晴巒圖 軸
are like jade, and brightly colored small plants and moss dots cling to the sloping cliff and Lake.....more
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明文徵明花卉 冊 芳塘淨植
to define the leaves. Darker ink represents the veins, making the plants stand out with freshness.....more
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明沈士充畫郊園十二景 冊 晴綺...
of suburban gardens done for Wang Yen-K’o. This garden is filled with willow trees with banana plants.....more
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五代南唐徐熙花卉草蟲 卷
-and-flower painting, respectively. A great variety of flowers and plants grow in the countryside. Four.....more
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