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共找到 461 筆符合的資料
明沈周寫生 冊 白鴿
. The son of the scholar-artist, Shen heng-ch’i (1409-1477), he painted in the family style, He also.....more
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墨林拔萃 冊 唐韋偃雙騎圖
reads "Painted in the spring of 627 by Wei Yen." Wei Yen was from ch'ang-an (present-day Sian.....more
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清王原祁畫中有詩圖 軸
of the Kang-hsi Emperor, and later served as a vice minister of revenue. He painted in his family style.....more
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明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...
painted landscapes, figures and buddhist subjects, establishing individual, unusual styles in each.....more
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明沈周倣倪瓚筆意 軸
are thicker and recall the landscape painted for Wu Shih-chü in 1476. The treatment of the trees.....more
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明人畫扇(亨) 冊 明陸治萬壑...
rises from a river. The scholars on the bridge and in the pavilion have been painted with abbreviated.....more
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清蔣廷錫月來香圖 軸
an official, however, his dignified position did not allow him time to paint casually. Because he painted.....more
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清王原祁畫山水 冊 仿雲林山水
” This landscape was painted when Wang Yűan-ch’i was fifty-eight years old. Painted in the “one river, two banks.....more
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藝林清賞 冊 清朱璨英畫杏花
scene. There is a short inscription on the painting which reads, “In 1822 I have painted the poetic.....more
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淮南大布衣九牧圖 卷
joke with each other. The painting, done with a rough brush and dry ink, was painted very quickly.....more
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