搜尋:painted 在 繪畫 分類當中


清郎世寧畫十駿圖雪點鵰 軸

清郎世寧畫十駿圖雪點鵰 軸

Wang of Nomun Eehetu (in Sinkiang) and painted by Castiglione in 1743. The horse is almost life-size.....more

明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下吹笛

明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下...

the album “Fans Painted by Ming Artists.” Though not bearing the seal or signature of the artist.....more

清高鳳翰大富貴圖 軸

清高鳳翰大富貴圖 軸

painted this with his left hand, the style is still strong and free. He is thus ranked as one.....more

元顧安倪瓚合作古木竹石 軸

元顧安倪瓚合作古木竹石 軸

was an excellent calligrapher and studied the style of Chao Meng-fu. He painted bamboo with forceful.....more

元人春山圖 軸

元人春山圖 軸

that the painting was painted by Yang Wei-chen himself.&*此幅以枯筆濃墨和遒勁的筆法鉤勒「蟹爪」寒林,結合淡墨暈染出「石如雲動」的山體,顯屬元代李郭派山水。但從山凹、樹石.....more

宋錢選蘭亭觀鵝圖 卷

宋錢選蘭亭觀鵝圖 卷

inspired by the sinuous movements of the long necks of geese. The rocks were painted in thin.....more

明沈周畫山水 軸

明沈周畫山水 軸

This landscape was painted for Liu Chüeh, after a bout of drinking. According.....more

明唐寅臨水芙蓉圖 軸

明唐寅臨水芙蓉圖 軸

surpassed contemporary masters and equaled the talent of the ancients. He painted in a variety of genres.....more

明唐寅暮春林壑 軸

明唐寅暮春林壑 軸

“The journey” was painted ten years later, in 1509. The treatment of the branches of the trees and the rocks.....more

明文徵明倣王蒙山水 軸

明文徵明倣王蒙山水 軸

Shen Chou. Wen later became known as one of the Four Great Masters of the Ming. This work, Painted.....more

明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸

明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸

literati of his time. This work was painted in 1468, when Tu Ch’iung was 72. &*  杜瓊(西元一三九六至一四七四年),字用嘉,號鹿冠.....more

宋劉松年醉僧圖 軸

宋劉松年醉僧圖 軸

bank is inscribed with the painter's signature and the date 1210. All the figures are painted.....more

明邵彌畫蓮華大士像 軸

明邵彌畫蓮華大士像 軸

and hands is meticulous while other elements are painted freely. The folds of his robes.....more

明沈周畫雪景 軸

明沈周畫雪景 軸

and “Poetic Thoughts on the Pa Bridge”, in a private collection in Taipei, both painted when.....more

明陸治仙山玉洞圖 軸

明陸治仙山玉洞圖 軸

to create something refreshing and new. Lu did not indicate when this work was painted.....more


painted 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋