搜尋:ming 在 繪畫 分類當中


清董邦達南屏晚鐘 軸

清董邦達南屏晚鐘 軸

paintings with Tung Ch’i-chang of the Ming dynasty as his model. He captured the brushwork.....more

清諸升雪景竹石真跡 軸

清諸升雪景竹石真跡 軸

were especially beautiful. He studied the bamboo style of the late Ming dynasty painter Lu Te-chih.....more

清張廷彥中秋佳慶 軸

清張廷彥中秋佳慶 軸

the style of Ming court painting but the brushwork of this painting seems to be rather loose. &*1.本社.....more

清張鎬畫連昌宮圖 軸

清張鎬畫連昌宮圖 軸

a poem by the T’ang poet Yüan Chen entitled the Lien-ch’ang Palace. T’ang Ming-huang and his.....more

清陳書畫荷花 軸

清陳書畫荷花 軸

on a lotus pod below. Ch'en Shu mentioned that she had painted in the style of the Ming artist Ch'en Ch'un.....more

明董其昌書白羽扇賦 軸

明董其昌書白羽扇賦 軸

practice of painting and calligraphy, becoming the most influential artist and theorist of the late Ming.....more

清王鐸山水 軸

清王鐸山水 軸

in Honan province. In the second year of the Ming Emperor Hsi-chung’s reign (1622) he won the Chin.....more

清王鐸擬古帖 卷

清王鐸擬古帖 卷

(jinshi) of 1622 in the Ming, he served the Qing as a Grand Academician, receiving the posthumous title.....more

清艾啟蒙畫白鷹 軸

清艾啟蒙畫白鷹 軸

’i-ming amd the tzu Hsing-an. From 1746 onwards he was employed by the emperor as a painter in the J.....more

清王敬銘爐峰山萬疊圖 卷

清王敬銘爐峰山萬疊圖 卷

散佈村落人家。用披麻皴法,筆法純熟,構圖起伏有致,傳承王原祁之畫風。 &* Wang Ching-ming, style name Tan-ssu, was a native of Chia-ting.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清周度疏林寒鴉

藝林清賞 冊 清周度疏林寒鴉

was perhaps inspired by T’ao Yüan-ming’s poem, Faraway Birds Thinking of their Home Forest.....more

藝林清賞 冊 清徐恆蜜蜂芙蓉

藝林清賞 冊 清徐恆蜜蜂芙蓉

painting. He especially admired the styles of Shen Chou and Li Liu-fang of the Ming dynasty, and he also.....more

清汪由敦臨石鼓全文 冊

清汪由敦臨石鼓全文 冊

text of the Stone Drums continues the mistakes of Yang Shenzhi from the Ming dynasty, but since Wang.....more

荷花(原單位統一編號 01000109)

荷花(原單位統一編號 01000109...

主題意涵:寫景 技法:寫意 色彩:墨色 題材:花卉 中國文化大學華岡博物館 畫心尺寸:165.5x68.5cm 入藏日期:1973-11-20 本名:胡克敏 譯名:Hu Ke-ming 荷花(原單位.....more

吉祥如意(原單位統一編號 01000170)

吉祥如意(原單位統一編號 01000...

主題意涵:寫景 技法:寫意 色彩:設色 題材:走獸 中國文化大學華岡博物館 畫心尺寸:133x68cm 入藏日期:1969 本名:梁又銘 譯名:Liang You-ming 吉祥如意(原單位統一編號.....more


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