故宮書畫錄(卷二),第一冊,頁17-18&*董其昌﹝西元一五五五─ 一六三六年﹞雖然是進士出身,但是在仕途生涯中並沒有顯著的功績,而將畢生精力致力於書畫的鑑賞與創作上,成為明代後期最具影響力的藝術家與評論家。 唐代名詩人及宰相張九齡,受朝中權臣排擠,因玄宗賜白羽扇,作賦以明志,含有明哲保身的涵義。董其昌此書寫於七十八歲﹝一六三二﹞高齡,仍然不失一貫的秀逸暢快的節奏,令人覺得餘韻無窮。&*Though Tung Ch'i-ch'ang was a chin-shih civil service candidate, he led a rather uneventful career in office. Instead, he spent his life in the dedicated pursuit of the connoisseurship and practice of painting and calligraphy, becoming the most influential artist and theorist of the late Ming. Chang Chiu-ling, the famous poet and prime minister of the T'ang dynasty, was promoted by the powerful officials at court, so Emperor Hsuan-tsung awarded him a white feather fan. Chang composed an ode in commemoration implying the importance of wisdom in self-preservation. This work was transcribed by Tung in 1632 at the advanced age of 77 but still retains his consistent free and elegant harmony for an almost unbounded style.