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共找到 192 筆符合的資料

明陸治彭澤高縱 冊頁
, this is the earliest surviving painting by Lu Chih. It dates to 1423, when he was 27. At that time.....more
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披薰集古 冊 明陳淳畫牡丹
. His style name was Lu-chih; his sobriquet, Yu-Shih. He attained the Advanced Degree in the Chia.....more
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清陸恢仿北苑溪山圖 軸
。本幅為蔡辰男先生捐贈。 &*After Tung Yüan’s Rivers and Mountains Lu Hui (1851-1920) Ch’ing Dynasty Lu Hui.....more
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五代梁荊浩匡廬圖 軸
), this is a painting of Mount Lu (in southern Chiu-chiang County, Kiangsi). Lofty mountains rise vertically.....more
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明人扇頭畫 冊 明陸治水墨山水
四七O-一五五九)學習,也在文徵明的指導下探索宋元畫家筆法。陸治此後能夠成就自己的風格,關鍵之一便在於此。&*Of Lu Chih’s surviving works, the only one.....more
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明陸遠摹古 冊 水閣觀流
致。青綠與水墨交融,夏日蒼翠,景色生動。&* Lu Yüan (style name Ching-chih) was active during the mid-17th century.....more
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宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋陸游書尺牘...
)&* Lu You (style name Wuguan, sobriquet Fangweng) was a native of Shanyin in Yuezhou (modern.....more
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清董邦達倣荊浩匡廬圖 軸
受清初仿古潮流影響,追隨元人筆墨,深得乾隆皇帝嘉賞,此圖即為奉旨臨古之作。&*Imitating Ching Hao’s “Mount K’uang-lu Tung Pang-ta (1699.....more
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明陸治仙山玉洞圖 軸
considered the founder of Taoism, once lived there (hence the name). Lu Chih made a trip to this site.....more
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宋元四家書 冊 宋陸游上問台閎...
國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2048 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁226-227 &*Lu Yu, a native of Shao-hsing in Chekiang.....more
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明陸治蔡羽書畫合璧 冊 虎丘圖
之詩配圖,雖云記實之作,卻出以疏放筆調,似不經意,意趣重於形似,文人抒情,往往如此。 選展二開,為「陸治蔡羽書畫合璧」冊第十、十一開。 &*Lu Chih was a native.....more
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