搜尋:feature 在 繪畫 分類當中


宋人松巖仙館 軸

宋人松巖仙館 軸

tall pines, while assembled gentlemen relax and picnic in the shade. The unusual feature of the work.....more

宋緙絲群仙拱壽圖 軸

宋緙絲群仙拱壽圖 軸

of the Eight Immortals are particularly lively as every individual feature of the eight figures is fully.....more

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋黃庭堅致天民知命大主簿尺牘 

宋四家墨寶 冊 宋黃庭堅致天民...

Xu, Huaisu, and Yan Zhenqing. His eccentric, elongated, wavelike strokes are a feature of his style.....more

清王翬倣沈周古松圖 軸

清王翬倣沈周古松圖 軸

explanation for this unusual feature is that Wang Hui originally used a double sheet of paper, and when he.....more

元黃公望畫層岩曲澗 軸

元黃公望畫層岩曲澗 軸

this work to the Ziming version of “Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains,” believing that both feature.....more

淳化祖帖(六) 冊

淳化祖帖(六) 冊

previous dynasties. The latter five feature calligraphy of the Two Wangs (Wang Xizhi and Wang.....more

清錢維城棲霞全圖 軸

清錢維城棲霞全圖 軸

court artist at the time. Ch’ien Wei-ch’eng’s works feature a tightly organized composition.....more

明蔣嵩歸漁圖 軸

明蔣嵩歸漁圖 軸

. Che School artists often used very wet washes of ink, and this painting reflects this feature very.....more

明趙左寒江草閣 軸

明趙左寒江草閣 軸

. The mountains, Chao Tso’s best feature, have been rendered first by modeling in pale washs, then have been.....more

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 觀音

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊 ...

below to add quite a bit of distortion, a feature of the style for which Wu Pin was known.&*1.李玉珉,〈明吳彬大.....more

清王翬畫夏麓晴雲 軸

清王翬畫夏麓晴雲 軸

of the Ch’ing dynasty. The most important feature of his work was the skillful use of brush and ink.....more

清黃鼎秋日山居 軸

清黃鼎秋日山居 軸

of his other paintings. The use of a wash in the sky, a feature seldom employed after the Sung dynasty.....more

清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸

清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸

this technique in his paintings and it became a characteristic feature of his style. 本幅 93.9x48.3公分.....more

清沈荃書桃李園序 軸

清沈荃書桃李園序 軸

in a self-assured and untrammeled spirit. This feature of the style, which is slightly formal and regular.....more

元人節書曲禮四語 軸

元人節書曲禮四語 軸

protocol, the military, and court ceremonies. These 3 lines in cursive script feature 4 sentences from Qu.....more

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