搜尋:composition 在 繪畫 分類當中


清周璕畫馬 軸

清周璕畫馬 軸

. In this painting, all of the objects are grouped on the left side of the composition, leaving an empty.....more

明陸遠摹古 冊 水閣觀流

明陸遠摹古 冊 水閣觀流

light and exquisite individual style in the composition and use of colors. The brushwork throughout.....more

清惲向仿古 冊 倣黃公望山水

清惲向仿古 冊 倣黃公望山水

and the composition sober, while the brushwork and texturing capture the main points, nonetheless.....more

清唐岱孫祜合倣李唐寒谷先春 軸

清唐岱孫祜合倣李唐寒谷先春 軸

landscapists. The composition is not fragmented with details. The texture stroke for the mountains.....more

清錢維城棲霞全圖 軸

清錢維城棲霞全圖 軸

court artist at the time. Ch’ien Wei-ch’eng’s works feature a tightly organized composition.....more

宋人漁樂圖 軸

宋人漁樂圖 軸

,印文為「玉川」二字。丁氏的生卒年不詳,約活動於十五世紀,其山水畫宗法宋代馬遠、夏珪,正與本幅畫風相符,因推斷丁玉川可能為原作者。&*The composition of this painting.....more

清錢維城畫豫省白雲寺圖 軸

清錢維城畫豫省白雲寺圖 軸

the care and attention placed in the composition and rendering. 本幅 129.4x62.5公分、全幅 85公分 類型:繪畫 型式:靜態.....more

元方從義山陰雲雪 軸

元方從義山陰雲雪 軸

cursive script of calligraphy. The composition of this piece is quite simple, for here is depicted.....more

宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君

宋林逋手札二帖 冊 逋奉簡三君

, and the turns in the direction of the brush are hard. The composition and weight of each character has been.....more

清陳年紅梅 軸

清陳年紅梅 軸

depicts two branches of red plum blossoms turning back and forth in a variety of poses, the composition.....more

民國林建同梅花四屏 軸

民國林建同梅花四屏 軸

tree twists and turns with vigor in this composition that spans four scrolls. The main trunk extends.....more

清周凱青鐙課讀圖 軸

清周凱青鐙課讀圖 軸

in a steady composition. The brushwork is also pure and refined, much in the manner of literati painting from.....more

清龔賢春山如沐圖 軸

清龔賢春山如沐圖 軸

in the distance among trees. The entire spatial structure of the composition is smooth and steady.....more

五代梁關仝畫山谿待渡圖 軸

五代梁關仝畫山谿待渡圖 軸

. The composition of this work is similar to Sitting Alone by a Stream in the Museum collection.....more

元張中桃花幽鳥 軸

元張中桃花幽鳥 軸

, yet forceful, spirit of the tree, and at the same time is refined and polished. The composition.....more


composition 在 繪畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋