石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2360&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁112&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁181-182&* 錢維城(西元一七二○-一七七二年),字宗磐,號稼軒,江蘇武進人。乾隆十年(一七四五)狀元,官至刑部侍郎。供奉內廷,為畫苑領袖。 乾隆庚午(一七五○)秋,巡視河南省,經過獲嘉縣,順道遊覽縣治西北的元代寺廟白雲寺,並賦六絕句,歸後,追憶梗蓋,命錢維城圖之。畫中整齊的寺廟建築、崎嶇的階梯步道,及層巖疊壑的山勢,可以看出是經過精心的布置與描繪。 &* A top candidate in the imperial examinations of 1746, Ch’ien Wei-ch’eng went on to serve as an official and a leader among court painters in the reign of the Ch’ien-lung emperor. In the autumn of 1750, the Ch’ien-lung emperor conducted an imperial inspection of the Honan area. Passing by the Pai-yün Temple, built in the Yüan dynasty (1279-1368), he composed 6 truncated verses. Returning to the palace, he had them recorded and ordered Ch’ien Wei-ch’eng to paint them. In this painting, the orderly temple compound is shown with a stairway leading up to it and layers of rugged mountains in back, all revealing the care and attention placed in the composition and rendering.