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共找到 13 筆符合的資料
明花卉畫冊 冊 明談志伊梅花
外之趣。」&* T’an Chih-i (tzu Kung-wang and Szu-chung, hao Hsüeh-shan) came from Wu-hsi in Kiangsu.....more
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明郭詡東山攜妓圖 軸
belonged to a convivial group of artists that included Wu Wei, Tu Chin and Shen Chou. In the Hung-chih.....more
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清徐燦畫瓶蓮大士 軸
畫觀音千幅進呈皇帝,乞恩賜屍骨歸葬,由是名播海內外。&*Kuan-yin Hsü Ts’an Ch’ing dynasty Hsü Ts’an (tzu, Chiang-p.....more
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清徐揚繪鵝子圖御題 軸
,濃淡均勻,石用細皴,亦濃淡相間,通幅有清雅舒爽之感。 &*Geese Hsü Yang (active late 18th cent.) Ch’ing dynasty Hsü.....more
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唐吳道子寶積賓伽羅佛像 軸
淺染法,時稱「吳裝」。開後世人物畫典則,被尊稱「百代畫聖」。此像即世所謂北方天王,為盛唐以後最受尊奉之佛像之一。&*Wu Tao-tzu came from Yang-ch'u. He.....more
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明陳洪綬畫壽萱圖 軸
styled himself Hui-chih (Late for Repentance) following the fall of the dynasty, only to take.....more
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明宋懋晉碧梧降暑 軸
梧陰森,一人坐山房小憩,狀甚悠閒,柳岸蘆葦茂盛,葉莖傾斜,似有習習涼風吹入圍牆人家。 &* Sung Mou-chin (style name Ming-chih) was a native.....more
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宋張即之書李衎墓志銘 卷
)。」 本幅共一千二百餘字。銘文為李衎之友邵明仲所撰,而張亦李之好友,戮力投注之下,自屬難得之精心傑作。然點畫之際,筆力稍弱,疑為後世倣本。&*Chang Chi-chih (style name.....more
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南朝宋陸探微五岳圖 卷
was a native of Wu (modern Soochow, Kiangsu). He served in the court of the Emperor Ming (r. 465-472 A.D.....more
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宋四家真蹟 冊 宋米芾書論書
of the Chin (Wang Hsi-chih and Wang Hsien-chih) without a hint of the wild cursive of the T'ang.....more
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宋錢選蘭亭觀鵝圖 卷
,得到書法運筆的靈感。山石以重複而單純的直線和曲線構成,再於輪廓內塗上石青、石綠、土黃等顏色,仿唐朝青綠山水的作風。此畫並不刻意追求古拙的趣味,充滿懷古情意。&*Ch'ien Hsü.....more
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