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共找到 154 筆符合的資料
民國臺靜農臨石門摩崖 軸
隸書。款識甲午,是八十二歲所書。 本件為臺靜農先生遺贈。 &* T’ai Ching-nung (style name Po-chien and late sobriquet Ching-che.....more
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元明書翰第六十冊 冊 王鐸書詩
of Huang T'ing-chien and Chu Yun-ming. Wang wrote that for these five "wild" five-character verses he.....more
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宋人法書(三) 冊 宋趙鼎書劄...
), Chao Ting was posthumously entitled Chung-chien("Loyal and Straightforward"). This kind of memorial.....more
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元趙孟頫鮮于樞墨蹟合冊 冊
” work in Chang Chih-chung’s collection. The other is a copy from “Biography of P’ei Hsing-chien.....more
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五代南唐周文矩仕女圖 軸
,乃有此標題。 &*Chou Wen-ch', a native of Ch'-jung, Chien-k'ang (modern Nan-king), served the Southern T.....more
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明尤求西園雅集圖 軸
Huang T’ing-chien (1045-1105), the painter Mi Fu (1052-1107), the poet and calligrapher Ch'in Kuan (1049.....more
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明張宏畫琳宮晴雪 軸
(style name Chün-tu; sobriquet Ho-chien) was a native of Wu prefecture (modern Soochow.....more
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清王翬雲溪草堂圖 卷
in Kiangsu province. A student of Wang Chien and Wang Shih-min, he was taken to view and copy the works.....more
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明沈士充畫郊園十二景 冊 晴綺...
became a leading painter of the Yün-chien School. He also was a sometime ghost-painter for Tung Ch.....more
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明李流芳畫唐人詩意 冊 韋應物...
-ting in Kiangsu, where he, T’ang shih-sheng, Lou chien, and Ch’eng Chia-sui (1565-1643) were called.....more
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