石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2628-2629&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁354-355&*故宮歷代法書全集,第四冊,頁190-218、226&*1.何傳馨,〈帝國的回憶 國立故宮博物院瑰寶赴法展專輯二 — 王鐸書詩〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第186期(1998年9月),頁18-21。 &*王鐸(一五九二-一六五二)字覺斯,號嵩樵、十樵、癡僊道人,河南孟津人。天啟二年登進士,入清官禮部尚書,官仕二朝,在政治上有負面評價。 他堅持一日臨帖,一日自由書寫,終身不易。他的草書運筆有顫動的韻律, 墨色變化多,從濃墨到墨將用盡的枯澀。他草書筆法依靠臂部起伏擺動,受黃庭堅、祝允明的影響。自作詩五律五首,謂「詩狂作數首」而書更狂,其作品表現出大寫意書風。 此件作品原為長卷,現已改裝成冊。第三首詩「圍城」以下十字三行,在裝裱時順序顛倒。自署書於崇禎十六年(一六四三)寓孟莊山志園(在河南衛輝府蘇門山南),年五十二歲。第五首詩為是年於蘇州附近與好友相聚的紀遊之作。本幅選自《元明書翰》第六十冊。&*Wang To, a native of Honan, served at court in both the Ming and Ch'ing (1644-1911) dynasties. Despite his achievements in art, however, he has been criticized for his role in politics. In calligraphy, Wang was adamant about practicing by copying the works of the old masters one day and then writing as one pleases the next. The brushwork in his cursive script has a lively rhythm to it and there is considerable variety to the tones of the ink. Wang's cursive script, done by holding the arm aloft, was evidently influenced by the styles of Huang T'ing-chien and Chu Yun-ming. Wang wrote that for these five "wild" five-character verses he used even "wilder" cursive script, revealing the manner of large-scale calligraphy. This work originally was a long handscroll that was later remounted into an album, resulting in a mistake to the ordering of a few lines of the characters. It was done in 1643 in Honan at the age of 51. The fifth poem was done to commemorate a trip to see his friend near Soochow. This is the 60th album from "Calligraphy of the Yuan and Ming."