搜尋:well 在 書畫 分類當中


明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊

明吳彬畫楞嚴廿五圓通佛像 冊

, was a native of P'u-t'ien, Fukien, but spent most of his life in Nanking. He became well-known for his painting.....more

清繡線佛像(七)釋迦牟尼佛 軸

清繡線佛像(七)釋迦牟尼佛 軸

儀仗(佛教寶蓋) 雲 宗教器用 蓮荷 國立故宮博物院 國立故宮博物院刺繡,黑白圖版98&*刺繡特展圖錄,頁80-83、133&*五彩繡。佛教創始者釋迦牟尼,雙目微闔,神態和煦,手結說法印記,端作蓮華.....more

宋李公麟畫麗人行 卷

宋李公麟畫麗人行 卷

on an excursion on horseback in early spring. The plump ladies and muscular horses as well as the clothing.....more

元李容瑾漢苑圖 軸

元李容瑾漢苑圖 軸

and trees in the landscape setting as well as the moist brushwork all originated in the Li Ch’eng and Kuo.....more

元吳鎮雙松圖 軸

元吳鎮雙松圖 軸

and prose. He also excelled at painting landscapes and bamboo in monochrome ink as well as cursive.....more

宋陳居中文姬歸漢圖 軸

宋陳居中文姬歸漢圖 軸

as fine as those of Huang Ts'ung-tao, a well known horse painter in the Hs.....more

宋人江帆山市 卷

宋人江帆山市 卷

the back as well as the trees and waves are close to that of Yen Wen-kuei (967-1044).&*〈江帆山市〉畫面寬幅不大,其中描寫.....more

明唐寅臨水芙蓉圖 軸

明唐寅臨水芙蓉圖 軸

concentrate on their work. However, T’ang Yin was brilliant and excelled in poetry and prose as well.....more

明徐賁廬山讀書圖 軸

明徐賁廬山讀書圖 軸

at poetry, he excelled at calligraphy as well as painting. In landscapes, he followed the style of Tung Y.....more

明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸

明杜瓊南湖草堂圖 軸

as well as Wang Meng (1308-1385). In examining this work, one finds that Tu’s brush and ink are most.....more

元俞和篆隸千文 冊

元俞和篆隸千文 冊

are broad and angular, the brushwork regulated and neat as well as refined and elegant in style.&*1.〈元俞和篆.....more

明陳洪綬畫荷花 軸

明陳洪綬畫荷花 軸

with water plants as well. The lines delineating the lotuses are fine yet forceful, the leaves twisting.....more

唐褚遂良摹王羲之長風帖 卷

唐褚遂良摹王羲之長風帖 卷

to that of Wang Hsi-chih (307-365). He was gifted with a precise, well organized technique which can.....more

明沈周策杖圖 軸

明沈周策杖圖 軸

, an able poet, essayist, and calligrapher, as well as an excellent painter. He was also talented.....more

清惲壽平畫山水 軸

清惲壽平畫山水 軸

at writing as well. &*惲壽平(1633-1690)是清初六家中,唯一以花卉畫聞名於畫壇的畫家。惲壽平原名格,字壽平,號南田。父親命他以字為名,因此後來也都用「壽平」來題畫落款。惲.....more


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