搜尋:te lo te lo 在 書畫 分類當中


明邊文進栗喜圖 軸

明邊文進栗喜圖 軸

birth and death are unknown, it is known that he was summoned to the capital during the Yung-lo era.....more

歷代名繪 冊 明邊文進梅花幽鳥

歷代名繪 冊 明邊文進梅花幽鳥

-and-flower painter at the early Ming court, and his paintings are truly exquisite. During the Yung-lo.....more

明邊文進三友百禽圖 軸

明邊文進三友百禽圖 軸

of Fukien province, was summoned to the court in the Yung-lo era, when he served.....more

明邊文進分哺圖 軸

明邊文進分哺圖 軸

the Yung-lo era (1403-1424), where he served as Painter-in-Attendance at the Wu-ying Hall. During.....more

明邊文進花鳥 軸

明邊文進花鳥 軸

painter at the early Ming court, and his paintings are truly exquisite. During the Yung-lo period (1403.....more

明邊文進春花三喜 軸

明邊文進春花三喜 軸

, it is known that he was summoned to the capital during the Yung-lo era (1403-1424), where he served as Painter.....more

明邊文進胎仙圖 卷

明邊文進胎仙圖 卷

to the capital during the Yung-lo era (1403-1424), where he served as Painter-in-Attendance at the Wu-ying.....more

明邊文進歲朝圖 軸

明邊文進歲朝圖 軸

, birds, and other animals. He first served in the Jen-chih Hall during the Yung-lo reign (1403-1424.....more

明沈度隸書歸去來辭 軸

明沈度隸書歸去來辭 軸

意的書體傳達千載以前陶詩的意境。&*Shen Tu, a native of Shanghai, was a major calligrapher in the Yung-lo (1403-1424.....more


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