石渠寶笈三編﹝乾清宮﹞,第二冊,頁538&*故宮書畫錄﹝卷五﹞,第三冊,頁291-292&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁85-86&*1.王耀庭,〈邊文進分哺圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《草蟲畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1986年初版),頁72。 &* 邊文進,生卒年不詳,福建沙縣人。字景昭,永樂(西元一四0三-一四二四年)間召至京師,授武英殿待詔,宣德(西元一四二六-一四三五年)間仍供事內殿。博學能詩,善畫花果翎毛,為其後呂紀等人師法的匠師。 本幅設色畫,一公雞啄蝶,為諸雛分食,另一小雞口中已含一小蟲,設色較生硬,與院藏三友百禽圖,其畫風似不同。 &*Pien Wen-chin, style name Ching-chao, was a native of Sha county, Fukien. Although the dates of his birth and death are unknown, it is known that he was summoned to the capital during the Yung-lo era (1403-1424), where he served as Painter-in-Attendance at the Wu-ying Hall. During the reign of the Hsüan-te emperor (r. 1426-1435), he performed various duties in the Inner Court. A talented poet of wide learning, he also excelled at painting flowers, fruits, and birds. He was the master painter whose style was emulated by Lü Chi and other later artists. In this painting, a rooster pecks at a butterfly in order to divide it among the chicks. One chick already has a worm in its mouth. The coloration in this painting is not as mature as that in Pien’s Plum, Pine, Bamboo, and Birds in the Museum’s collection, and the style also seems to be different.