搜尋:surface 在 書畫 分類當中


明唐寅採蓮圖 卷

明唐寅採蓮圖 卷

, the surface of a lake reveals a willow tree, lotus blossoms, reeds and grasses, and a small skiff.....more

明人摹西園雅集圖 軸

明人摹西園雅集圖 軸

and rocks divide the painting surface. On the left are three figures looking at a scroll, and three.....more

明人便面集錦 冊 明陳栝芭蕉紫薇

明人便面集錦 冊 明陳栝芭蕉紫...

with crape myrtle behind as they spread out across the surface. What is interesting here is that the crape.....more

明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下吹笛

明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下...

, as if completely lost in abandonment. The reflection of the moon, the ripples on the water surface, and the gold.....more

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

, creating the impression of a brilliant, shimmering surface of precious materials. Later critics.....more

宋人花王圖 軸

宋人花王圖 軸

, and insects filling up nearly the entire surface. However, the fine and lively description does not have.....more

明陳洪綬畫荷花 軸

明陳洪綬畫荷花 軸

to the new leaves resting on the surface of the water. The content of the artist’s inscription.....more

清王原祁仿宋元人山水 冊

清王原祁仿宋元人山水 冊

at close-up, the forms in his paintings dissolve into unintelligible surface textures but become clear.....more

清王原祁春雲出岫 軸

清王原祁春雲出岫 軸

, this is probably a late work. Since the landscape is painted on silk, the surface coloring has an even glossier.....more

宋人漁父圖 軸

宋人漁父圖 軸

. His eyes are fixed on the surface of the water, and he waits by his net suspended from the shore.....more

元盛懋畫松溪泛月 軸

元盛懋畫松溪泛月 軸

in the foreground are rendered in detail, the rough gnarled surface appearing so lifelike as if one can reach out.....more

唐周昉內人雙陸圖 卷

唐周昉內人雙陸圖 卷

table, the surface of which is a game board made of fine wood. Originally, this game was played.....more

元倪瓚雨後空林 軸

元倪瓚雨後空林 軸

Tsan's own inscription in the upper right corner and those of others, almost the entire surface.....more

元李士行江鄉秋晚 卷

元李士行江鄉秋晚 卷

and slopes, including clusters of "moss" dots. The upward tilt of the surface of the water.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋高克明松岫漁村

集古名繪 冊 宋高克明松岫漁村

up half the surface. An imaginary line drawn from the distant mountains and trees to the slope makes.....more

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surface 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋