搜尋:painter 在 書畫 分類當中


元陳貞白雲山房圖 軸

元陳貞白雲山房圖 軸

üan and he was very proficient as a landscape painter. This particular scroll was executed.....more

明陳栝四時花卉 冊 荷

明陳栝四時花卉 冊 荷

c.) Ming Dynasty Ch’en Kua was a native of Soochow and the son of the painter Ch’en Ch’un.....more

清張若澄畫葛洪山居圖 軸

清張若澄畫葛洪山居圖 軸

in 1745 and was a skilled painter of plum blossoms and birds. The painting is a record of Chang’s.....more

元人秋林瑞靄 軸

元人秋林瑞靄 軸

are rich and moist. Judging from the brushwork and composition, the painter was following in the style.....more

清黃鼎畫群峰雪霽 軸

清黃鼎畫群峰雪霽 軸

冬景(雪景) 瀑布 雲 行旅 寒林.枯樹 騾.驢 橋 籬笆、圍牆 水利 百姓 房舍 溪澗、湍泉 國立故宮博物院 石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁598&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁98&*故宮.....more

清王時翼畫岳陽大觀 軸

清王時翼畫岳陽大觀 軸

of the famed painter Wang Shih-min. He excelled at painting landscapes and figures. His landscapes.....more

清沈振麟繪十二月花神 冊 紅梅綠竹

清沈振麟繪十二月花神 冊 紅梅...

. The details of his life are not known, but it is certain he was active around 1851. A court painter.....more

清魯鼐畫花鳥 冊 梅竹麻雀

清魯鼐畫花鳥 冊 梅竹麻雀

are not recorded in the histories of painting. As a painter he specialized in flowers, grasses, and inscects.....more

宋人畫子母牛 軸

宋人畫子母牛 軸

calf moves on ahead. A mynah rests on the buffalo's back. The painter added to the scene a day-lily.....more

清陳書花卉 冊 紅梅茶花

清陳書花卉 冊 紅梅茶花

painter, was a native of Hsiu-shui, Chekiang. Her sobriquets were Shang-yüan ti-tzu and Shang.....more

明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 二月春光

明人祝壽書畫合璧 冊 二月春光

, but he was the son of Chou Szu-chien,a famous landscape painter active during the Chia-ching period.....more

清赫奕晴嵐晚翠 軸

清赫奕晴嵐晚翠 軸

of distant and near views is clearly transmitted. The painter Ho I was a Manchurian by birth; although.....more

清張鵬翀翠巘高秋圖 軸

清張鵬翀翠巘高秋圖 軸

, talented and diligent, he was an able poet and a skillful painter. Autumn mountains are depicted.....more

名畫薈珍 冊 宋趙元長梅花山雀

名畫薈珍 冊 宋趙元長梅花山雀

of Shu, he followed the Shu emperor to Sung. He became a court academy painter, and was skillful.....more

清劉九德畫狻猊 軸

清劉九德畫狻猊 軸

nearly fills the composition, its giant form emanates power and strength. The painter used.....more


painter 在 書畫 分類當中 的相關搜尋